Tulips wrote:Hello all,
New here on these boards, hoping to get some badly needed advice. I completed my undergrad in 2009 with a major in Finance and minor in Economics. Overall GPA 3.65. Have been working in the field ever since and decided that its the right time to think of graduate programs, more specifically a masters in math. My concern is that I didn't major in math in my undergrad. Am I at a disadvantage compared to other applicants. Note that I have taken a few math courses: Integral calculus, Calculus II, Analytical Geometry.
So I guess my question is how likely is it for me to be accepted into a good program. Anything I need to do to increase my chances, anything I need to start working on now?
Would appreciate any feedback

It depends on your definition of "good".
A lot of this depends on some particulars of your background (undergraduate school, nature of work, grades in your math courses, etc.). But here is my estimate:
Low-tier (ranked ~75+)
As is, you probably could get into some low-ranked schools, if you get a good GRE quantitative score.
2nd tier (ranked ~25-75)
Take a semester to take some of the following courses: analysis, abstract algebra, linear algebra, multivariable caclulus. Your lack of proof-based classes hurts you at the moment. And you could study up for the Math Advanced Subject Test. If you score say ~40%+, that would be a good sign and would help further.
Top-tier masters programs (ranked ~top 25)
Not likely without significantly more course work (5+ courses) with good grades and a Math GRE > 50%.
Also, I definitely recommend talking to your undergraduate adviser, and some graduate directors for potential schools. Let them know your situation and ask what steps you can take to get admitted. (And I want to emphasize that this just my estimate from looking at the admissions requirements for masters and PhD for a lot of different schools and talking to my undergraduate adviser. )