Stats program by tiers?

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Stats program by tiers?

Post by tutublbl1234 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:47 am

I would like to know generally what schools are considered tier I, tier II, and tier III in statistics program?

Would it be fair to say the following?

Stanford; UC - Berkeley; Harvard; UW - Seattle;

Chicago; CMU; Duke; Wharton; UW - Madison;

UM - Ann Arbor; Cornell; Columbia; UCLA;

As I am hearing back from some of the schools listed above, it is becoming increasingly harder to pick a school... I think tier-ing it up or knowing the reputation of the program would help me evaluate the programs better.

I looked at many sources, including popular ranking measures and posts/blogs.

It would be awesome to get some feedback on the validity of the above lists by tiers. Does it seem reasonable, or are some schools out of place?

Also, from above, what schools have finished reviewing applications?

NOTE: I made a duplicate post in thegradecafe...

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