Applying to Math Grad schools in the fall!

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Applying to Math Grad schools in the fall!

Post by ihatepencils » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:30 pm

Hey everyone --
Its about the time where I have to decide what are reasonable places for me to apply for grad school for Fall 2014. This is mainly because I will be studying abroad in the fall and will have to get a lot of things done before I leave. I'm planning on talking to one of my professors soon about applying but I wanted to get some people's opinions on a tentative list of schools so far. I don't want my professor to think I'm way over-shooting when I talk to him! All opinions and pieces of advice are appreciated!

Undergrad Institution: Large State University, top 20 Mathematics PhD Program.
Major(s): Mathematics
GPA: 3.81. Math GPA is slightly higher.
Type of Student: Asian American Male

Program Applying: Pure Math

Research Experience: After this summer, I will have had two REUs. No publications from my REU last summer, but got to present at the JMM and at my university.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Normal honors list stuff. Some academic scholarships.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Private tutor and Grader for my school's math department (graded calculus, probability, number theory, and introduction to real analysis)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Am currently taking a graduate class in Complex Analysis. Other upper division stuff (on top of typical calc, linear algebra, etc) I've taken include two semesters each of algebra, analysis, topology (one in algebraic topology), and classes in stochastic processes, differential geometry, complex variables. I will have two famous mathematicians writing for me, one of which knows me rather well personally now.

Last edited by ihatepencils on Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Applying to Math Grad schools in the fall!

Post by colldood » Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:13 pm

All of those places sound reasonable, but if I were you I would apply to some more at the upper end as well, no guarantee but your application sounds fairly strong.

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Re: Applying to Math Grad schools in the fall!

Post by rmg512 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:04 pm

That's a pretty good spread, depending on your subject test score. If you don't score above the 60th percentile on the GRE Subject Test, I'd recommend taking off UCLA and U Mich, and if you don't score above 70th, take off Yale, to be blunt.

Also, if you can, take more grad courses, and be sure to work towards getting a solid third recommendation. You want these people pulling strings for you to get into the places you want to get into.

Good luck!

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Re: Applying to Math Grad schools in the fall!

Post by ihatepencils » Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:13 pm

Thanks for the opinions! I'm actually about to take my GRE subject test on saturday so once that's over I'll have a better picture of where I'll apply. Also is it reasonable to have my 3rd letter from an REU mentor? How does this compare to getting a 3rd class professor who maybe doesn't know my as well but I did well in their class?

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Re: Applying to Math Grad schools in the fall!

Post by abstruse » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:58 pm

ihatepencils wrote:Thanks for the opinions! I'm actually about to take my GRE subject test on saturday so once that's over I'll have a better picture of where I'll apply. Also is it reasonable to have my 3rd letter from an REU mentor? How does this compare to getting a 3rd class professor who maybe doesn't know my as well but I did well in their class?

Are your other two recommendations from professors you know from class? All else being equal, a letter from an REU professor who has seen you do research is worth much, much more than a letter from a professor from whom you've taken a class.

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Re: Applying to Math Grad schools in the fall!

Post by ihatepencils » Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:24 am

abstruse wrote: Are your other two recommendations from professors you know from class? All else being equal, a letter from an REU professor who has seen you do research is worth much, much more than a letter from a professor from whom you've taken a class.
Yes. the other two are from in class professors. One which I took two semesters of Algebra with and the other I had for abstract linear algebra and real analysis. I'll definitely think about getting an REU mentor to do a rec then. I just assumed maybe if no publications or anything came from the REU then a letter from that wouldn't carry much weight.

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