What are my odds of getting into these math masters?

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What are my odds of getting into these math masters?

Post by jdinatale » Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:18 pm

I am a senior math major and my goal is to get into a top 20 PhD program. Right now I do not feel competitive enough to get into those schools, so I am pursuing a masters degree first.

I'm applying to these schools:

-University of Washington

-Texas A&M - College Station

-University of California - Irvine

-UNC - Chapel Hill

-Georgia Tech


-University of Southern California

-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

I picked those schools because they are ranked in the top 30-50 and do not require the math subject test. I'm not prepared to take that test right now and do well on it. And coming from such a small program, I don't think I'm prepared anyways to succeed in a top 20 school.

Here are my stats:

School: Unranked, unknown state university

GPA: 3.86


-20 college math classes total (from Calculus II and beyond)

-2 semesters of algebra, 2 semester of analysis, 2 semesters of geometry, 3 independent studies, complex, actuarial science, combinatorics, differential equations, graph theory.


-1 would be a very strong one from a professor I've taken several classes with and did research with

-1 would be from a professor I've had several classes with including an independent study

-1 would be from my REU advisor.



-Two papers in the process of being published, one from REU, one from summer research with a professor


-Gave talks at two conferences at separate universities

-Gave special sessions talk at the AMS/MAA joint meeting in San Diego

GRE scores: Unknown, but assume at least good, if not excellent


-Math club president

-Pi Mu Epsilon vice president

-Putnam team member for 2 years (scored a 0...)

-Honors program

-Eagle Scout (2009 Eagle Scout of the Year)

Those are my stats. How would you rate my chances if you could quantify it?

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