Education: a top university in China, famous for its mathematics(No.3 in China) in the world.
Major:Information Security(

Main Courses: mathematical analysis, advanced algebra, geometry analysis, ODE, PDE, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Statistical Mathematics, Applied Cryptography, Security Protocols and Standards, Network Security, Number Theory and Algebraic Structure.etc
Eagering to research in Cryprography or Algorithm about Number Theory.
Overall GPA: 3.63
Major GPA: 3.71
GRE: Verbal153+Quantitative161+AW3.0
Toefl: R27+L24+S22+W27
Position in the school: 5% of 192
Research Experiences:
1.Research Assistant in the institute of information engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013.7-present
2.Project Leader, Big Integer Factorization, 2012.5-2013.5
Three Recommendations: Actually I prepared 5 letters of recommendation
1.Prof.Jianliang Wu, he was invited as the special reviewer of 《Mathmatics Review》, and researched with Prof. R.Oellermann in Canada.
2.Prof.Mingqiang Wang, my advisor of the project
3.Associate Prof. Shupeng Wang, my advisor in Chinese Academy of Sciences.
4.Prof.Meiqin Wang, my teacher of Network Security, her research interest is block cipher, and she has published a lot of papers in top conferences.
5.Puwen Wei, the teacher of Applied Cryptography.
Worked as a software engineer in a company of electronic and automatics
Meritorious Winner in mathematical contest in modeling 2013
The paper about Big Integer Factorization was submitted to LATIN2014, and a paper about Chance-Constraint Programming was submitted to IC&CT2014, the paper called "An Internet based networking recommendation method" was accepted by CCCC(Chinese Conference on Cloud Computing)2013(EI)
Dream School:
MIT, Princeton, Stanford
Carneigne Mellon(I am not sure if it is possible)
UC Davis