University attended section in the Graudate Application Form

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University attended section in the Graudate Application Form

Post by semigroups » Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:01 pm

Regarding the "university/college attended" section of a graduate school application form:
If I have obtained two independent undergraduate degrees from the same university, what should I fill in the "Major" and "Degree" blanks? I am asking because each blank asks for a single answer, for instance, if I fill" Mathematics" then there is no room to fill "Engineering" anymore, though both of them are my majors.

Is it appropriate to fill different degrees from a single university by using copies of the "Additional University/Colledge" section? Although it is expected that each section will correspond to a different undergraduate institution, but I can not find another way to fill more than one undergraduate degrees from a university.

Any comments will be appreciated!

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Re: University attended section in the Graudate Application Form

Post by Ryker » Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:49 pm

semigroups wrote:Is it appropriate to fill different degrees from a single university by using copies of the "Additional University/Colledge" section? Although it is expected that each section will correspond to a different undergraduate institution, but I can not find another way to fill more than one undergraduate degrees from a university.
You're seriously overthinking this. Of course this is fine.

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Re: University attended section in the Graudate Application Form

Post by semigroups » Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:26 pm

Because my scanned official transcript reports every course that I have done from the university, this implies my transcript for upload will be exactly the same for each of the two degrees, I am just worring about the "redundancy" of doing that.

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Re: University attended section in the Graudate Application Form

Post by avemarya » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:36 pm

Yeah, I wondered about this sort of thing, especially since my other major is completely unrelated to my math major (which explains why I may not have taken all the math classes I would have liked to take). In my case though, I am a double major getting only one degree. What I have done when asked and there is no room for explanation is just say that I am a math major and leave it at that...

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