Undergrad Institution: UCLA
Major(s):Applied Mathematics
Minor(s): n/a
GPA: ~3.41 major
Type of Student: Domestic Asian Male
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 168 (96%)
V: 166 (96%)
W: tbd.
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 680 (56%) (...retook it in October, score should be substantially higher since I was deadly sick first time)
Program Applying: Applied Probability/Stochastic Processes
Research Experience: Applied Mathematics REU at UCLA dealing with large data sets. Preparing a paper to be submitted in the near future.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: nothing -_-
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: nothing
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Taking 2 grad classes in analysis and probability right now. Got A's in the honors analysis year long sequence. 2 of my 3 rec letters are from very famous people.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: A C+ in numerical analysis probably won't help.
I'm looking for well established programs in stochastic processes. None of the faculty here work on it so I'm on my own in researching which programs are strong in that area of research.
Which schools ought I be looking at for stochastic processes
Which schools ought I be looking at for stochastic processes
Last edited by poorasian on Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Which schools ought I be looking at for stochastic processes
The #1 school for probability is NYU - The Courant Institute. Since you're in Cali, take a look at Cal Tech.