I just wanted to let people that are interested know that the US News seems to have finally published a new version of their grad school rankings, including mathematics departments. I think the last one was one from 2010, and the current one is for 2014. Anyway, here's the link:
http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandr ... s-rankings
Feel free to thank me for this golden info with hugs and kisses (ladies) and hard cash (gents)
2014 US News Best Grad School rankings (Mathematics)
Re: 2014 US News Best Grad School rankings (Mathematics)
Lolz. My dream school, to which I've been admitted, dropped off the rankings in its fields. Looks like USNWR found out I was admitted.
Re: 2014 US News Best Grad School rankings (Mathematics)
The school I am most likely attending went down in my field of interest by one (but not even, since its rank was shared with another school now no longer on the list), but went up over all. Other than that, it was all over the place for me hehe. The logic section sure needs a lot of work though. .. hard to believe that only 7 schools have good logic programs. ..