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October 25th GRE scores
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:26 pm
by jjharty10
Sorry if this is posted elsewhere.
Does anyone have knowledge about when math subject GRE scores for Oct 25th are available? I know ETS says 4-6 weeks but who knows if that is accurate.
Re: October 25th GRE scores
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:11 pm
by grad
Re: October 25th GRE scores
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:56 pm
by Mathwhiz25
Aren't you anxious? The wait has been long. I am not excited to receive my subject test scores anymore after my general GRE results.
Re: October 25th GRE scores
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:28 pm
by Hassan1
So, it's gonna come for all people on 24 Nov or it's different for every person?
Re: October 25th GRE scores
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:34 pm
by jjharty10
I'm very nervous! You sit and say "I should apply to MIT."
*receive math GRE scores*
"I should apply to McDonald's."
Re: October 25th GRE scores
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:13 pm
by Mathwhiz25
Scores will be available for everyone who took the GRE subject tests online on Monday, November 24, 2014. You will receive an e-mail stating that your score is available online to be viewed. I took the paper general GRE and got an e-mail around 6 a.m. stating that my score was available online. It was there hours before that. I checked past 1 a.m. and it was there, a disappointing score.
Re: October 25th GRE scores
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:49 pm
by MathCat
My score reports are showing as having been sent today. Why can't they show us the scores now then?

The wait is so painful.