Hi everyone. I'd like to apply for applied math/operations research PhD programs, but I know that I'm gonna get really bad grades in two of my math classes this semester (Galois theory and probability). I don't have a great excuse for this, just general family related stress.
I'm planning on retaking the courses, and I'm confident that I can get A's in these classes on the second time around. I have a pretty good math GPA otherwise. Are my chances shot for good PhD programs?
Retaking Classes
Re: Retaking Classes
I'm actually in my 4th year, but I was planning on taking another semester anyways to do Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. My plan would be to find an internship during the term after Budapest Semesters (which I have lined up) and retake my classes part time.
Re: Retaking Classes
Without knowing your GPA, major GPA, GRE scores, home institution, research experience, LORs, or what you mean by good, I'll give a vague yes.
Re: Retaking Classes
GPA: ~3.5. Probably lower after this term
Major GPA: About the same
GRE scores: have yet to take them
Home institution: University of Pittsburgh
Research Experience: Not much, but I'll do research project in Budapest
LORS: I'll expect them to be decent at least
Good: I'm not entirely sure what I mean. Maybe top 50, but thats not really a hard requirement for me.
Major GPA: About the same
GRE scores: have yet to take them
Home institution: University of Pittsburgh
Research Experience: Not much, but I'll do research project in Budapest
LORS: I'll expect them to be decent at least
Good: I'm not entirely sure what I mean. Maybe top 50, but thats not really a hard requirement for me.
Re: Retaking Classes
Top 25 is probably out of reach, but top 50 should be attainable. Maybe even top 30. Do a good job with your research and try to get 750+ on the Math GRE (or lower if you're aiming for a top 50 school and not a little higher than that).