Hi, I was wondering where I should apply for grad school this fall if I'm interested in derived algebraic geometry (DAG). I have a few in mind, but I wanted to hear some other suggestions. Here's my current list:
(hard to get in):
(more reasonable):
I've heard some good things about UT Austin and Michigan, but do they have researchers working in DAG? Also, I've read that DAG involves homotopy-theoretic ideas (model categories, infinity categories) so maybe if you know of places with homotopy theorists that would be helpful. Finally, none of the schools I've listed are safety schools; do you know of any safety schools doing research in DAG?
Good schools for derived algebraic geometry?
Re: Good schools for derived algebraic geometry?
I mean this is absolutely no condemnation but Derived algebraic geometry is a rather advanced technical subject and if you are sure you would want to pursue that I believe you would have some exposure to it which would automatically give u the name if people who are working in it. If you are just applying by the current excitement of the subject you should be a little more careful. Now coming to some of the places which are on top of my head
1) UC Berkeley - They seem by far the most rich in that section
2) Harvard
3) MIT
4) Northwestern
5) UPenn - Especially Pantev
6) Chicago
I do not really see DAG/HAG stuff much in UCLA- correct me if I am wrong.
This is just from the top of my head. Also the subject is very active in Europe Vezzosi, Toen, Vaquié etc. But I believe you should make the choice especially if you are keen on such an advanced topic upon consultation with your teachers. I hope my post is not mean. I apologize if at all
1) UC Berkeley - They seem by far the most rich in that section
2) Harvard
3) MIT
4) Northwestern
5) UPenn - Especially Pantev
6) Chicago
I do not really see DAG/HAG stuff much in UCLA- correct me if I am wrong.
This is just from the top of my head. Also the subject is very active in Europe Vezzosi, Toen, Vaquié etc. But I believe you should make the choice especially if you are keen on such an advanced topic upon consultation with your teachers. I hope my post is not mean. I apologize if at all
Re: Good schools for derived algebraic geometry?
Honestly, it sounds like you don't know the subject. I wouldn't choose schools based just on this factor if you don't have significant exposure to the field already - there's a good chance your interests will change.
Re: Good schools for derived algebraic geometry?
@joga- I don't think UC Berkeley has that many people working in this field. Who were you thinking of? There are a lot of geometers (algebraic and differential) and topologists but not really in DAG. Mike Hill is joining UCLA this fall, which is why I mentioned UCLA. He is a topologist and also works in DAG. But thanks for mentioning UPenn. As for Chicago, I'm not sure if they have anyone in that field...
@MathCat-you're right, I don't really know anything about the subject. It just sounds interesting, and it seems like a "hot topic." But I do like algebraic geometry and algebraic topology (at least from the graduate courses I've taken) and DAG seems to be at the intersection, so I thought I should study it. Anyhow, I'm going to try to read some of Lurie's papers this summer.
@MathCat-you're right, I don't really know anything about the subject. It just sounds interesting, and it seems like a "hot topic." But I do like algebraic geometry and algebraic topology (at least from the graduate courses I've taken) and DAG seems to be at the intersection, so I thought I should study it. Anyhow, I'm going to try to read some of Lurie's papers this summer.