I have an undergraduate degree from UPENN in mathematics and I am currently completing applications for graduate school. My long-term goal is to complete my Ph.D and become a math professor. That said, I have been in the work force for 6 years, my professors don't remember me and my GRE subject scores were lacking in October (I haven't called in yet for November).
The resounding theme that I keep hearing on this website is that admissions to masters programs are less particular, since the programs are used to fund the Ph.D programs. As an alternative to applying directly to a Ph.D program, I work for a company that will completely fund a mathematics masters degree from NYU if I attend part-time. Also, if I do not get direct admissions into the masters program, I have the option to remain in NYC and take non-degree courses to reapply. I'm just putting feelers out there to collect opinions...for those of you that have completed a masters degree in mathematics, how realistic is it to attend part-time?
If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!