Hello All,
I'm having trouble deciding what texts to use for reviewing the test. I know the big topics are calculus, linear algebra, and abstract algebra.
For calculus I have the choice of Stewart or Spivak. For linear algebra I have Lay's linear algebra, and for abstract algebra I have Pinter's book.
Which texts would those who have taken the test recommend?
Any other general suggestions would be appreciated as well since this test can be a monster.
Textbooks for Review
Re: Textbooks for Review
The best things you can do are do well in your classes at the time (I mean really study, not just get good grades) and become a calculus TA. You should look some stuff up on eigenvalues, Stoke's Theorem, and basic differential equations, but reading through a big algebra textbook won't get you anywhere. Just do the practice tests and take your math classes seriously.