Thanks for taking your time to read this! I know it's quite late already, but I'm still looking for some safety schools. I am an international female. My GRE is V:163(93)/QR:167(92)/W:4.0(60) and my MGRE is 690(58%), which is rather disappointing. I have only one REU experience, and might present the results at the upcoming JMM. Currently lost track of my recommenders, but will hopefully they'll start checking their emails soon. I'm interested in logic, but not very sure about it at the moment. Any suggestions could help.
Profile Review, looking for "safety" schools
Re: Profile Review, looking for "safety" schools
UIC, I go here and your profile seems to be competitive enough. I would not consider it a safety school but I know multiple people who had a similar background. One such person is also interested in Logic and chose UIC because we are #6 in Logic. However, he is one of the most motivated students I have ever talked to so, show that you have a significant amount of motivation.
Re: Profile Review, looking for "safety" schools
Thanks a lot! I was planning to apply to UIC anyways. I only had two courses related to logic, so I'm quite worried.