Uncertain about the future and could use some advice

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Uncertain about the future and could use some advice

Post by jplusip » Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:15 pm

Hi guys,

I've been in college for about 8 years now and only 3 years ago discovered my love of mathematics. Unfortunately, this discovery came AFTER Calculus A and B, and prior to it I had no motivation or direction so I was an incredibly poor student. As a result of this, I got out of Cal A and B by the skin of my teeth and learned virtually nothing! This lead to a very bizarre year in which I made Cs in Differential Equations and Probability, but rocked out solid As in my Foundations of Math and Complex Analysis courses (and this very much threw off my advisor, since an A in Foundations of Math is generally no easy feat). Also during this time period and professor, wanting is Differential Geometry to make, got me into it, in which I did not do very well at all given my poor background. Thankfully, this final bad grade was a true wake up call, and since then, I've done everything I possibly can to improve myself as a mathematician. I worked through Courant's books to reteach myself Calculus, I've made strong As in Applied Linear Algebra, Fourier Analysis, Real Analysis, and Partial Differential Equations, and since my school's pure math is a bit weak I'm currently working through Rudin's "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" and Gemingnani's "Elementary Topology". I've also developed a strong passion for complex analysis and spend a considerable amount of time studying Markushevich, Ahlfors, and Krantz (since I want to move on to several complex variables).

Now, my school allows something called an "Academic Bankrupty", which I initially thought wiped out any record of courses taken before a designated point in time, but really all it did was not count courses towards my GPA from a certain point back, though the courses still show up on my transcript.

Due to this, a few GER courses aren't being counted towards my degree, so for the next year I'm pretty much packed finishing up my minor (Computer Science) and doing the GER nonsense, with no room to take graduate math classes!

Now, my issue is as follows:
I want to get the bankruptcy reversed so I can take grad courses which I imagine would help me get into a pure math school (there's one in particular I would love to go to, unfortunately its ranked 40th or 50th). However, if I do that I cannot get a 3.0 GPA period due to my past idiocy (though I'm still set to graduate with highest honors, oh the irony) and if I can't get a 3.0 then I can't be a TA in grad school at my current school (the plan is to get a master's here quickly and then try again to move on if I don't get accepted to the other school, reason being I want to my PHD work to be in complex analysis/several complex variables, and unfortunately my school does not offer this). Ah, also, one of my jobs (for I have two) is doing what TAs here do, as I work at the Math Learning Center as a tutor. So I'm hoping that helps as well.

So what do you guys think? If I suck it up and suffer through more social science classes might I still have a decent shot at a 40-50 ranked school without any math grad classes? Or should I chance it, get rid of the bankruptcy, rock out on some grad courses, and pray I can get in a program with what I'm after? I know I can get at least 5 glowing letters of recommendation, and I already have a knock out statement of purpose thought out, so even if I did poorly on the Math GRE (which I hope does not happen), what do you guys think?

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Re: Uncertain about the future and could use some advice

Post by diogenes » Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:59 pm

Have you talked with your department about a TA during a MA with your grades as is?
Also, I wouldn't expect math departments to care about social science classes.

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Re: Uncertain about the future and could use some advice

Post by jplusip » Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:04 pm

I have spoken with the math department. Unfortunately, my school's system focuses primarily on numbers, so the only way to get a TA position is to be "admitted unconditionally" which means scoring average on the general GRE and having a 3.0GPA (which, after averaging a 3.9something over my last 2 years, will leave my accumulative at around a 2.9something if I reverse the academic bankruptcy, which it seems they don't want to bend on).

Of course, if they don't have a position open it won't happen regardless of the GPA. So... then it would be a totally moot point! :lol:

My issue with the social sciences stems from the fact the academic bankruptcy (for me) wipes out all grades from 2004 and back (good and bad). And all of my social science general ed classes were taken back then, so now I have a deficiency in social sciences for my general ed requirements to get my bachelors. :(

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Re: Uncertain about the future and could use some advice

Post by diogenes » Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:57 pm

In that case with a 3.9 over the last two years I would keep what you have and apply to other programs.
No reason to send money and time after a losing situation.

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