Forum for the GRE subject test in mathematics.
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by DMAshura » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:11 am
Hey everyone! It's been a minute since I've posted here. You may have seen my solutions for GR1268 a couple of years ago.
I've been working on a new website that's intended to be an all-in-one resource for people taking the GRE Math Subject Test, and I wanted to let you all know that it's now complete!
Here's what's on the site:
- * General information about the Subject Test
* An extensive list of resources with evaluations of each
* Detailed solutions to GR0568 and GR1768 (revised!)
* Helpful tips and tricks to maximize your score
Hopefully this comes in handy to at least a few of you when getting ready for the upcoming tests. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!

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by pluTo_ » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:29 pm
Thanks for the wonderful website and solutions! These are great!
I was wondering what your thoughts are on's video lectures, if you have any experience with them. The whole lecture series seems a bit pricey, but I was thinking on buying a couple modules on topics I need a bit more help on.
- Posts: 58
- Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:53 am
by DMAshura » Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:17 pm
pluTo_ wrote:Thanks for the wonderful website and solutions! These are great!
I was wondering what your thoughts are on's video lectures, if you have any experience with them. The whole lecture series seems a bit pricey, but I was thinking on buying a couple modules on topics I need a bit more help on.
Thanks so much for the feedback!
As for SubjectMath's lectures, I have looked them over and have reviewed them before on this site. Here are my most recent thoughts:
- * The modules are basically lightning-fast reviews (think bulleted notes read out loud) of the various topics, interspersed with practice questions, and concluding with a brief quiz at the end.
* The videos that I'd say are probably the most worthwhile are the Additional Topics and Advanced Module videos, especially in terms of real analysis. Otherwise, there's very little that isn't already covered by the Princeton Review.
* The practice/quiz questions suffer from the same issue that I mentioned the practice tests have -- they tend to be much harder than the actual exam. In addition, I've noticed they keep bringing up the "you only have 2.5 minutes per question" quip. Honestly, that's somewhat misleading, since many questions can be done in much less time, giving you more time to analyze the meatier questions. Not every question has to have a "trick".
* The most valuable "tricks" are pretty standard (like integrating an odd function over a symmetric interval, or finding eigenvalues of a matrix using the trace or row sums), and can be found pretty easily on existing solutions to the released practice exams.
So, in short, the videos are not bad overall, but there are much better ways to spend the amount of money that they cost. I'd really only recommend those last two videos as "hard mode practice" for if your score is already high and you're trying to gain a few percentile points.
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by MMDE » Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:03 pm
Thank you for the website, it is honestly the best one-stop GRE subject test review site that I've seen. A few questions, and I saw you touched on this a bit on your site, but how does the Princeton Review or the latest ETS practice exam compare to the real thing? I've already ran through them and I'm trying to do as much prep as I can for the September and October exams, but am unsure how to proceed given the limited time and the limited resources (and also the busy semester). Thanks again on behalf of all students!
- Posts: 58
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by DMAshura » Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:10 pm
MMDE wrote:Thank you for the website, it is honestly the best one-stop GRE subject test review site that I've seen. A few questions, and I saw you touched on this a bit on your site, but how does the Princeton Review or the latest ETS practice exam compare to the real thing? I've already ran through them and I'm trying to do as much prep as I can for the September and October exams, but am unsure how to proceed given the limited time and the limited resources (and also the busy semester). Thanks again on behalf of all students!
The two most recent practice tests (GR1768 and GR0568) and the Princeton Review are easily my top three recommended resources, since they're the closest to the real thing that we've really got at the moment. If you've already run through those, I'd recommend that your next step should be to go through the other three older exams (GR9768, GR9367, and GR8767) to build up your basics so that you can have those solid. Time how long it takes you to do each question to make sure you can do almost all of them in a decently short amount of time. Also, Charles Rambo recently came out with his own practice test that's available for free on his website (listed under the Resources section of my site), so do that too if you have time.
- Posts: 123
- Joined: Sat Sep 30, 2017 5:04 pm
by MMDE » Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:47 pm
DMAshura wrote:MMDE wrote:Thank you for the website, it is honestly the best one-stop GRE subject test review site that I've seen. A few questions, and I saw you touched on this a bit on your site, but how does the Princeton Review or the latest ETS practice exam compare to the real thing? I've already ran through them and I'm trying to do as much prep as I can for the September and October exams, but am unsure how to proceed given the limited time and the limited resources (and also the busy semester). Thanks again on behalf of all students!
The two most recent practice tests (GR1768 and GR0568) and the Princeton Review are easily my top three recommended resources, since they're the closest to the real thing that we've really got at the moment. If you've already run through those, I'd recommend that your next step should be to go through the other three older exams (GR9768, GR9367, and GR8767) to build up your basics so that you can have those solid. Time how long it takes you to do each question to make sure you can do almost all of them in a decently short amount of time. Also, Charles Rambo recently came out with his own practice test that's available for free on his website (listed under the Resources section of my site), so do that too if you have time.
Awesome I'll check that out, thank you and best of luck with the site, I'm sure it'll do great!
- Posts: 123
- Joined: Sat Sep 30, 2017 5:04 pm
by MMDE » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:08 pm
DMAshura wrote:MMDE wrote:Thank you for the website, it is honestly the best one-stop GRE subject test review site that I've seen. A few questions, and I saw you touched on this a bit on your site, but how does the Princeton Review or the latest ETS practice exam compare to the real thing? I've already ran through them and I'm trying to do as much prep as I can for the September and October exams, but am unsure how to proceed given the limited time and the limited resources (and also the busy semester). Thanks again on behalf of all students!
The two most recent practice tests (GR1768 and GR0568) and the Princeton Review are easily my top three recommended resources, since they're the closest to the real thing that we've really got at the moment. If you've already run through those, I'd recommend that your next step should be to go through the other three older exams (GR9768, GR9367, and GR8767) to build up your basics so that you can have those solid. Time how long it takes you to do each question to make sure you can do almost all of them in a decently short amount of time. Also, Charles Rambo recently came out with his own practice test that's available for free on his website (listed under the Resources section of my site), so do that too if you have time.
I've been skimming through the test by Charles Rambo and it's a lot easier than I thought. Do you think it's a fair reflection of the real exam in terms of difficulty?
- Posts: 58
- Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:53 am
by DMAshura » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:17 pm
MMDE wrote:DMAshura wrote:MMDE wrote:Thank you for the website, it is honestly the best one-stop GRE subject test review site that I've seen. A few questions, and I saw you touched on this a bit on your site, but how does the Princeton Review or the latest ETS practice exam compare to the real thing? I've already ran through them and I'm trying to do as much prep as I can for the September and October exams, but am unsure how to proceed given the limited time and the limited resources (and also the busy semester). Thanks again on behalf of all students!
The two most recent practice tests (GR1768 and GR0568) and the Princeton Review are easily my top three recommended resources, since they're the closest to the real thing that we've really got at the moment. If you've already run through those, I'd recommend that your next step should be to go through the other three older exams (GR9768, GR9367, and GR8767) to build up your basics so that you can have those solid. Time how long it takes you to do each question to make sure you can do almost all of them in a decently short amount of time. Also, Charles Rambo recently came out with his own practice test that's available for free on his website (listed under the Resources section of my site), so do that too if you have time.
I've been skimming through the test by Charles Rambo and it's a lot easier than I thought. Do you think it's a fair reflection of the real exam in terms of difficulty?
Honestly it seems pretty close to me. There's always going to be some variation in the topics you'll see on test day, and what's hard for one person may be easy for another and vice versa, but this very closely resembles the GRE's I've taken in terms of difficulty. Kudos to Charles Rambo for a well-made test.

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by calisapna » Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:00 pm
Awesome!!! Also, as I was trying to prepare for upper level mathematics a few years back I watched so much of your Intro to Higher Math videos on YouTube. They're amazing, thank you!

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by BCLC » Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:47 am
God bless you.
- Posts: 58
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by DMAshura » Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:29 am
That would be correct. After Chapter 7, you start getting into dynamical systems, homotopy, and such, all things that you're highly unlikely to see on the GRE. The book itself even says that Chapters 1-7 are the "core" of point-set topology while 8-14 are "additional topics".
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by BCLC » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:06 am
DMAshura wrote:
That would be correct. After Chapter 7, you start getting into dynamical systems, homotopy, and such, all things that you're highly unlikely to see on the GRE. The book itself even says that Chapters 1-7 are the "core" of point-set topology while 8-14 are "additional topics".
Thanks! Any idea if this is including all up to Chapter 7? Say quotient topology for example.
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by DMAshura » Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:42 am
BCLC wrote:DMAshura wrote:
That would be correct. After Chapter 7, you start getting into dynamical systems, homotopy, and such, all things that you're highly unlikely to see on the GRE. The book itself even says that Chapters 1-7 are the "core" of point-set topology while 8-14 are "additional topics".
Thanks! Any idea if this is including all up to Chapter 7? Say quotient topology for example.
While not every single topic from Ch. 1-7 is guaranteed to show up by name on the GRE, it doesn't hurt to have as many examples as possible under your belt. The quotient topology, for example, is just a formal way of defining the "gluing" that is sometimes talked about in topology. You can probably skip some of the more "applied" sections (such as The Forward Kinematics Model and Automatic Guided Vehicles).