Just kidding. I wanted to post my application on here for the spring, but it doesn't quite fit into the other topic posts.
Undergrad Institution: Not a well known school
Major(s): Mathematics
GPA: 3.1 GPA; About 3.4 for Math GPA
Type of Student: Domestic, white Female
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 162
V: 153
W: 4.0
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 540 (19%)

Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: My capstone class required a research project working under an advisor. Mine ended up being original work (though nothing grand) and my paper was accepted for publication by the Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal. I also began as a chemistry major and have some lab research experience.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Received a certificate of excellence from my math department for my project. That's about it.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Worked as a tutor for both the department and at our tutoring center. Worked as a program lead for an after school program for a little while.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: I had two good letters of recommendation and one that I know was excellent (He gave me a copy- I didn't ask for it, he just does this for all his students). Did a guided study of Neural Networks and have a pretty broad background in all of the sciences.
Applying to Where:
So I originally had applied to schools in Colorado where I lived (married with a son so we didn't want to move far away for school). We ended up moving to Texas and all those went out the window. I applied last minute to Texas State's Masters program. Was accepted with a TA... that also didn't work out.
Then I applied to Texas A&M for Spring 2019 and was accepted and offered a TA ($1,850/month- low but I probably won't teach any classes). I intend to make this one work out. Wanted to post this, though, since I had a VERY poor GRE subject score and my GPA was nothing to brag about either. Still am going to a good school, though, and wanted to post this so others don't get discouraged. On the flip side, I believe my research and LOR greatly helped. Plus, I connected well with all of my professors and actively talked to them and students. So, knowing the culture of this school, think they probably believe I will be a good fit.
Now, anyone want to talk about how things are going or things, their experiences or things they are worried about? I'm personally worried about passing qualifying exams considering my.... past experience with exams

Edit: I also may have also tried to contact the head of the department and head of graduate studies about giving them a late application for the Fall. Not sure if that actually helped me or not but maybe they liked my persistence!