Will be graduating this fall semester with a BS in applied math and also pure math from a large state university(Top 100) with some reputation in math.
Overall GPA 3.8+, math classes i took:
Lower division math: Calc1 A, Calc2 B, discrete math A, Intro to proof and logic A, Calc3 A, Applied lienar algebra A
Upper division math: differential equation A, probability and stats A, Geometric structure A, Applied algebra A-, Data analysis A, finite mathmatics structure(intro to graph theory and combinatorial analysis) A, Abstact Algebra(mixed with both grad and undergrad students) A-, Introduction to Analysis B+, Linear algebra(proof based) A-, Applied Complex analysis A, Applied real analysis A-, Computational analysis A.
Research experien: almost none
Rewards and activity: no rewards, TA for one semester
Permanent residents, Asian, first generation college student.
Which tier of schools should I look into? Mainly interested in applied math area or biostats.
Just listing some school names would be deeply appreciated!