A review of my profile for graduate applications

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A review of my profile for graduate applications

Post by hornedsphere » Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:34 am

Institute - IISER
CGPA - Current 9.1/10, by the end will be 9.5/10
Awards - Certificate of academic excellence in various semesters
Teaching Experience - TA/Tutor for Real Analysis and Group Theory
Research Experience - Currently working on Geometric Invariant Theory at IISc and Derived Categories at IISER. Master Thesis will be on Kahler Geometry and GIT. Don't know if there will be publications by the end of my thesis. I did one of my summers in Symplectic Geometry at IISER
Graduate Courses - A bucketload of them (Enumerative Geometry, Riemannian Geometry, Knot theory, Algebraic Curves etc)

Given that my thesis advisor did is an alum of Stony Brook, I was looking to apply to Stony Brook/ UT Austin. Basically departments with a stronger focus on mirror symmetry and derived categories. Are there ways I can improve my application? Or am I aiming too high?

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