2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Forum for the GRE subject test in mathematics.
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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Euler101 » Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:56 pm

Yamnaz wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:41 am
Did anyone hear anything from purdue, Texas A&M or U michighan?
Got an acceptance from Purdue, and no word from UMich. I know some people have been interviewed and accepted to UMich though. No idea about Texas A&M.

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Instantxkarma » Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:56 pm

Undergrad Institution:
Small state school
Math- Probability/Stats and Data Science dual concentration
Math GPA:
Type of Student:
Domestic white female

GRE Revised General Test:
Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
Didn't take

Program Applying:
Applied math PhD, computational math track

Research Experience:
Two years part time research in biostats/optimization/data processing through my school. Three presentations at small local symposiums. Did an undergraduate senior thesis on an application of non-linear programming for honors.
Graduated summa cum laude from dept and "with distinction" from school, some semesters dean's list when I met the minimum credit requirements lol, a couple small competitive research grants within my school
Pertinent Activities or Jobs:
TAed in abstract math for a semester.
Math Courses Taken:
All the usual ones plus heavy focus on data sciency things like probabilistic modeling, applied linear regression, data wrangling and visualization etc. Only a handful of grad-level classes. Since I didn't originally plan on grad school, I finished as fast as I could with the bare minimum of credits, so there are some glaring gaps in my coursework like ODEs/PDEs and applied analysis
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help:
I was a non-trad undergrad and worked full time in a semi-related field while I finished my BS, which some people seemed to find interesting hah. Two of my recommenders I've worked very closely with for two plus years and I feel like I had super strong letters from them, even though they aren't famous or anything.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
I made an attempt at undergrad in English a wayyyyyy long time ago and did pretty well for a few years until my first term of senior year when I crashed and burned due to mental health issues. So my "full permanent record" includes a semester of straight Fs in like 2008 :? On the plus side, I feel like it isn't very common to switch from English to Math?

Applying to Where:
CU Boulder - My one and only app... Accepted 2/13! Full funding plus summer grant. Hooray! :D

I am stuck in-state and considered applying to more schools, but Boulder was by far the best fit and everything else just felt like a waste of time and money. I'm SO STOKED my gamble paid off. Really looking forward to visit days next week and getting to know some profs better.

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by WarmMilkIsBest » Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:13 pm

Instantxkarma wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:56 pm
Undergrad Institution:
Small state school
Math- Probability/Stats and Data Science dual concentration
Math GPA:
Type of Student:
Domestic white female

GRE Revised General Test:
Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
Didn't take

Program Applying:
Applied math PhD, computational math track

Research Experience:
Two years part time research in biostats/optimization/data processing through my school. Three presentations at small local symposiums. Did an undergraduate senior thesis on an application of non-linear programming for honors.
Graduated summa cum laude from dept and "with distinction" from school, some semesters dean's list when I met the minimum credit requirements lol, a couple small competitive research grants within my school
Pertinent Activities or Jobs:
TAed in abstract math for a semester.
Math Courses Taken:
All the usual ones plus heavy focus on data sciency things like probabilistic modeling, applied linear regression, data wrangling and visualization etc. Only a handful of grad-level classes. Since I didn't originally plan on grad school, I finished as fast as I could with the bare minimum of credits, so there are some glaring gaps in my coursework like ODEs/PDEs and applied analysis
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help:
I was a non-trad undergrad and worked full time in a semi-related field while I finished my BS, which some people seemed to find interesting hah. Two of my recommenders I've worked very closely with for two plus years and I feel like I had super strong letters from them, even though they aren't famous or anything.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
I made an attempt at undergrad in English a wayyyyyy long time ago and did pretty well for a few years until my first term of senior year when I crashed and burned due to mental health issues. So my "full permanent record" includes a semester of straight Fs in like 2008 :? On the plus side, I feel like it isn't very common to switch from English to Math?

Applying to Where:
CU Boulder - My one and only app... Accepted 2/13! Full funding plus summer grant. Hooray! :D

I am stuck in-state and considered applying to more schools, but Boulder was by far the best fit and everything else just felt like a waste of time and money. I'm SO STOKED my gamble paid off. Really looking forward to visit days next week and getting to know some profs better.
Ok, that's pretty sick ngl. Working full time plus finishing up a math BS after switching from English, damn. And then of course...

Congrats on the acceptance! I think that makes you the first person I've seen that didn't receive a single rejection. The enthusiasm on display in your post is honestly getting me pumped as well. I got accepted to UCSB which I'm super excited for, and somehow my excitement levels tripled just from the second-hand vibes. Thanks for the dose of sheer exuberance c:

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by hopefulfish » Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:47 pm

Undergrad Institution: Ivy
Major(s): Mathematics
GPA: >3.9/4.0

Program Applying: A mix, focus in mathematical biology
Research Experience: Ongoing modeling project plus senior thesis
Math Courses Taken: Analysis,Linear Algebra, Fourier theory, topology, combinatorics, complex, grad PDE, grad statistical theory, algebra, combinatorics, probability theory, probabilistic combinatorics, representation theory, game theory, theoretical ecology, mathematical modeling in biology
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Strong letter writers well-known in field

Applying to Where (all PhDs):

U Washington Applied Math/Accepted
Caltech Applied + Comp Math/
Duke Math/Waitlisted
UTennessee Math Bio/Accepted
U Colorado Boulder Applied Math/Accepted
Stanford ICME/Accepted
U Minnesota Math/Accepted
U Utah Math/Accepted
Last edited by hopefulfish on Thu Mar 02, 2023 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by inhyak » Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:16 pm

Yamnaz wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:41 am
Did anyone hear anything from purdue, Texas A&M or U michighan?
Just got accepted today to UMich (AIM not pure though) - seems like they are still going through apps

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by mathwarrior1999 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:17 pm

Undergrad: Small but good liberal arts in the Midwest
Major(s): Mathematics and History
Cumulative GPA: 3.66
Math GPA: 3.3 (Solid but could be better)
History GPA: 4.0
Upper Division Math GPA: 3.57

Helpful facts: I have taken every pure math class offered by my university and I have strong letters of rec from 4 faculty who all know me well, like me, and who I have known for years.

Research/Interests: I did a small research project on Arms Race Modeling in my Differential Equations class and I have two summers of history research and have presented my history findings at a university-run research symposium. I am really interested in finding intersections between seemingly unrelated fields such as mathematics and history. That is something I want to do in future research.

I am trying to start with a funded or unfunded master's that I plan on doing well in so that I can get into a solid PhD program later on.

Applications (All Master's programs):

University of Memphis (Applied Math): Accepted on 12/13/2022 :D (Super cool people in the department including some famous math profs. My first acceptance and a huge relief) All you need is one acceptance in order for it to be a success!

Montana State University (Pure Math): Applied in November of 2022, Rejected on 2/10/2023 (Kind of saw it coming as people were posting decisions on GradCafe before I got anything, however, I was still surprised as two of my letter of recs got their PhD's in the program.) :(

University of Hawaii at Manoa (Pure Math): Applied on 12/13/2022, I am under the suspicion that I have been waitlisted as offers are usually sent out in the last week of Feb but I haven't gotten a rejection yet. I will contact them tomorrow and find out my status.

San Diego State University (Pure Math): Accepted on 03/28/2023 Really like this department and the research they are doing!

If anyone knows anything about UH Manoa feel free to DM me. I would greatly appreciate it!
Last edited by mathwarrior1999 on Tue Mar 28, 2023 3:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Yamnaz » Wed Mar 01, 2023 1:28 am

Euler101 wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:56 pm
Yamnaz wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:41 am
Did anyone hear anything from purdue, Texas A&M or U michighan?
Got an acceptance from Purdue, and no word from UMich. I know some people have been interviewed and accepted to UMich though. No idea about Texas A&M.
When did you get the acceptance from purdue? Did you have an interview with them?
I've got a rejection from UM today 🤦‍♀️

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by 24601 » Wed Mar 01, 2023 9:55 am

hopefulfish wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:47 pm
Undergrad Institution: Ivy
Major(s): Mathematics
GPA: >3.9/4.0

Program Applying: A mix, focus in mathematical biology
Research Experience: Ongoing modeling project plus senior thesis
Math Courses Taken: Analysis,Linear Algebra, Fourier theory, topology, combinatorics, complex, grad PDE, grad statistical theory, algebra, combinatorics, probability theory, probabilistic combinatorics, representation theory, game theory, theoretical ecology, mathematical modeling in biology
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Strong letter writers well-known in field

Applying to Where (all PhDs):

U Washington Applied Math/Accepted
Caltech Applied + Comp Math/
Duke Math/Waitlisted
UTennessee Math Bio/Accepted
U Colorado Boulder Applied Math/Accepted
Stanford ICME/Accepted
U Minnesota Math/Accepted
U Utah Math/Accepted
U Chicago Ecology & evolution/Waitlisted
Hey, have you heard anything from Caltech? I emailed today cause I have UK offers expiring soon but I'm not sure if they'll reply fast enough
Update: I emailed them today. They are still reviewing and will be making decisions in two weeks. They told me to expect an email by the first week of April.
Last edited by 24601 on Wed Mar 01, 2023 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Euler101 » Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:02 am

Yamnaz wrote:
Wed Mar 01, 2023 1:28 am
Euler101 wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:56 pm
Yamnaz wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:41 am
Did anyone hear anything from purdue, Texas A&M or U michighan?
Got an acceptance from Purdue, and no word from UMich. I know some people have been interviewed and accepted to UMich though. No idea about Texas A&M.
When did you get the acceptance from purdue? Did you have an interview with them?
I've got a rejection from UM today 🤦‍♀️
Got an acceptance on February 9th, no interview. The campus visit is this weekend. Sorry to hear about your rejection from UMich 🙁 Hope you get into Purdue!

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by hopefulfish » Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:37 pm

24601 wrote:
Wed Mar 01, 2023 9:55 am
hopefulfish wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:47 pm
Undergrad Institution: Ivy
Major(s): Mathematics
GPA: >3.9/4.0

Program Applying: A mix, focus in mathematical biology
Research Experience: Ongoing modeling project plus senior thesis
Math Courses Taken: Analysis,Linear Algebra, Fourier theory, topology, combinatorics, complex, grad PDE, grad statistical theory, algebra, combinatorics, probability theory, probabilistic combinatorics, representation theory, game theory, theoretical ecology, mathematical modeling in biology
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Strong letter writers well-known in field

Applying to Where (all PhDs):

U Washington Applied Math/Accepted
Caltech Applied + Comp Math/
Duke Math/Waitlisted
UTennessee Math Bio/Accepted
U Colorado Boulder Applied Math/Accepted
Stanford ICME/Accepted
U Minnesota Math/Accepted
U Utah Math/Accepted
U Chicago Ecology & evolution/Waitlisted
Hey, have you heard anything from Caltech? I emailed today cause I have UK offers expiring soon but I'm not sure if they'll reply fast enough
Update: I emailed them today. They are still reviewing and will be making decisions in two weeks. They told me to expect an email by the first week of April.
No, have not heard anything-thanks for update

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by thyartismath » Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:10 am

Undergrad Institution:
Reputable State School
Mathematics (Pure)
Math GPA:
Grad Institution:
Same School as Undegrad
Grad Major(s):
Mathematics (Pure)
Grad GPA:
Type of Student:
Domestic, white male

GRE Revised General Test:
Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
Didn't take

Program Applying:
Mathematics (Pure)

Research Experience:
Not much of note here. I did a small poster for a senior “thesis” on chaos theory and topology during undergrad. I was starting my masters thesis on the Andrews-Curtis Conjecture, but had burnt out from academia at that point and took an “industry” job for a year at a fancy big dollar tech company. Finished my masters with a comprehensive exam when I decided to leave that job after COVID.
Graduated cum laude undegrad. Received a small scholarship from the math department a few times. Made the deans list a few times.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs:
I tutored for my undergraduate/graduate institution for several years while getting my degrees and also taught courses as part of my TA funding package when I was doing my masters. I currently teach full-time as a math instructor at a community college.
Math Courses Taken:
This would be a pretty long list, but generally I covered: discrete mathematics, set theory, logic, analysis, calculus, diff eq, linear algebra, topology, abstract algebra, algebraic geometry, probability and statistics, time series analysis. Also took some math education courses during my masters because I wanted to learn skills related to actually teaching math.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help:
I’m not a traditional applicant (at this point) for PhD programs, but I think my teaching experience is my main selling point.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
I secured three strong letters from reputable professors at my undergrad institution.

Applying to Where:
Stanford — Officially rejected 2/10/2023
UC Riverside — Unofficially rejected/waitlisted 02/28/2023
UC Irvine — Officially rejected 3/13/2023
UC San Diego — Officially rejected 3/08/2023
Last edited by thyartismath on Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by juggler13 » Thu Mar 02, 2023 6:28 pm

juggler13 wrote:
Fri Jan 20, 2023 5:39 pm
Undergrad Institution: Top 50 (U.S), private. Top 75 in math.
Graduate Institution 1 (Masters): Top 50 in math (U.S)
Graduate Institution 2 (1 course so far): Top 50 in math (U.S)
Graduate Institution 3 (1 course so far): Top 10 in math (U.S)
Major(s): BS in Mathematics
Major(s): MS in Mathematics

Undergraduate GPA: 3.81/4.0
Undergraduate math GPA:3.97/4.0
Graduate Institution 1 GPA :3.17/4.0 (this includes 2 Fs. This is explained in SOP)
Graduate Institution 2 GPA :4.0/4.0
Graduate Institution 3 GPA :4.33/4.0
Type of Student:Domestic, Male (white)

GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 162 (73%)
V: 158 (78%)
W: 4.x0 (54%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: None
M: 780 (72%)

TOEFL Score: (xx = Rxx/Lxx/Sxx/Wxx) (if applicable)

Program Applying: Pure Math (Interest in Number Theory)

Research Experience: Wrote 25 page research paper in representation theory on Brauer-Fowler theorem. Not original research, but equivalent to a masters thesis. Did REU as undergraduate, no publication.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Highest Distinction in Mathematics (undergraduate). Cum Laude, Deans List all semesters (undergraduate)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Adjunct math professor at local 4 year college for 2.5 years. Taught statistics, probability (with calculus), calculus 1 and 2 for math majors. Currently teaching Statistics and Calc 1 with applications. Also have 4+ years of tutoring work with company (for SAT, homework help, etc). Graduate teaching assistant for over 3 years. TA for abstract algebra, calc 1, calc 2. Grader for linear algebra, differential equations. Abstract algebra TA as an undergraduate.
Math Courses Taken: Graduate level: Abstract algebra, commutative algebra, algebraic number theory, linear algebra, representation theory, measure theory, complex analysis, topology, algebraic topology, logic. Undergraduate Level: Set theory, differential geometry, combinatorics, probability.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Passed 5 qualifying exams (1 more than necessary) while in previous PhD program. These are in algebra, linear algebra, topology, real analysis, complex analysis. I also have a solid programming/computer science background (python, java, machine learning, algorithms, data structures, theory of computation). Also, I have taken 2 graduate classes (and am currently enrolled in two for the spring) as a non-degree student at solid math universities (one top 10 school). Got A+s in both classes during the fall and got recommendation letters from these professors. Both should be very strong, however, the professor in one of the classes did not read my 25 page research paper for his class (minimum requirement was 5 pages, but I went above and beyond). I believe he at least scanned through it though (and I got a perfect score from the TA grader). I also have a recommendation from chair of the department at the local college where I teach.

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I was in a PhD program for 3.5 years, but despite having a successful first two years, completing all qualifying exams, because of personal issues (mental health related), I quit with my masters, failing 2 courses in my last year. (stopped going to class). In my SOP I address this (I don't mention the mental health aspect). I talk about how I've grown personally in the last 6 years. I got rejected from all 18 schools applied to last year. But this is before my new classes and recommendations. I've also improved by SOP substantially (I believe by not going into the mental health details). I also did the Gres, and used this for some schools, though I don't know how much this will help (hopefully not hurt).

Applying to Where:

Top 20 (as seen in U.S news rankings)

U Michigan - pure math / Submitted by deadline
UT Austin - pure math / Submitted by deadline
Cornell - pure math / Submitted by deadline
Brown - pure math / 2/9 - Denied
UPenn - pure math / Submitted by deadline
UW Madison - pure math / 2/20 - Denied
Duke - pure math / Submitted by deadline

Top 40

UC San Diego - pure math / Submitted by deadline
Rutgers - pure math / Submitted by deadline
Johns Hopkins - pure math / 2/8 - Denied
U Maryland - pure math / Submitted by deadline
UI Chicago - pure math / 3/1 Waitlisted (via email inquiry)
U of Virginia - pure math / Submitted by deadline

Top 70

Boston U - 3/1 - Denied
U of Georgia - pure math / Submitted by deadline
CUNY Grad School - pure math / Submitted by deadline
U of Arizona - pure math / Submitted by deadline
U of Mass Amherst - pure math / Submitted by deadline
Emory - pure math / Submitted by deadline 2/13 - Denied
Boston College - pure math / Submitted by deadline
UConn - 2/22 - Denied

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Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:31 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by borelcantelli » Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:00 pm

brumer_stark wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:20 pm
borelcantelli wrote:
Sat Feb 11, 2023 11:04 am
Undergrad Institution: A Southeast Asian university (arguably the best for maths in the country, but in practice not that well-known globally)
Major(s): Maths
Minor(s): -
GPA: 3.97/4.00
Math GPA:
Type of Student: International Asian Male

GRE Revised General Test: N/A
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: N/A

IELTS Score: (8.0 = R8.5/L8.5/S7.5/W7.0)

Program Applying: Probability & Stochastic Analysis (Pure & Applied)

Research Experience: A summer research programme in stochastic analysis (or winter? Because it was held by an Australian university)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Graduated with a distinction (cum laude in my country), research award as stated above, full undergraduate scholarship, integrated bachelor's/master's scholarship in the same university, some maths competitions
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Tutor & TA in several maths courses (calculus, real analysis, etc.)
Math Courses Taken: All compulsory ones (linear algebra, real analysis, etc.), measure theory, financial maths, Fourier analysis, functional analysis, some actuarial science courses
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: My supervisor for the aforementioned research experience said he was pleased with my performance in the programme & wrote a good recommendation letter for me
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:

Applying to Where:
Oxford - Random Systems CDT / Already had my interview on 2nd February, now waiting for the outcome
Imperial - Random Systems CDT / Applied in late December, no news as of yet
Warwick - PhD in Statistics / Applied (still incomplete)
University of Edinburgh - PhD in Probability and Stochastic Analysis / Will apply
Cambridge - MASt Part III in Mathematical Statistics / Conditional offer on 9th February, waiting for funding outcome
Hey I have also received a conditional offer today, but I could not see anything related to funding anywhere neither on the applicant portal nor on the offer letter. Does this mean I will not receive funding? Or do funding decisions come later?
I think funding outcomes will come later (they said it would be in March-April).

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Yamnaz » Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:09 am

Undergrad Institution:foreign university 500-600 qs ranking
[Major(s): Mathematics

GPA: undergraduate 89% graduate 4

Type of Student: female international

GRE Revised General Test: Didn't take

GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Didn't take

IELTS Score: (6.5= R6.5/L6/S6.6/W6)

Program Applying:Statistics

Research Experience: One published research on applied analysis.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions:Many government and university scholarships, Fully funded by government institution to complete PhD in statistics
Pertinent Activities or Jobs:TA for two years ,Math teacher for a high school.

Applying where:
U Pittsburgh Rejected 14 Feb
U illinois at Urbana Champaign Rejected 21 Feb
U michighan arr arbor Rejected 28 Feb
Purdue university west laf Rejected 2 March
Texas a&m university Pending

Since I'm fully funded I have a hope to get an admission from such universities ...
I'll start preparing for winter admission 😪

Do you know universities accept students for winter ? Statistics program
Good luck for everyone

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by xbq22 » Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:47 am

borelcantelli wrote:
Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:00 pm
brumer_stark wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:20 pm
borelcantelli wrote:
Sat Feb 11, 2023 11:04 am
Undergrad Institution: A Southeast Asian university (arguably the best for maths in the country, but in practice not that well-known globally)
Major(s): Maths
Minor(s): -
GPA: 3.97/4.00
Math GPA:
Type of Student: International Asian Male

GRE Revised General Test: N/A
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: N/A

IELTS Score: (8.0 = R8.5/L8.5/S7.5/W7.0)

Program Applying: Probability & Stochastic Analysis (Pure & Applied)

Research Experience: A summer research programme in stochastic analysis (or winter? Because it was held by an Australian university)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Graduated with a distinction (cum laude in my country), research award as stated above, full undergraduate scholarship, integrated bachelor's/master's scholarship in the same university, some maths competitions
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Tutor & TA in several maths courses (calculus, real analysis, etc.)
Math Courses Taken: All compulsory ones (linear algebra, real analysis, etc.), measure theory, financial maths, Fourier analysis, functional analysis, some actuarial science courses
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: My supervisor for the aforementioned research experience said he was pleased with my performance in the programme & wrote a good recommendation letter for me
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:

Applying to Where:
Oxford - Random Systems CDT / Already had my interview on 2nd February, now waiting for the outcome
Imperial - Random Systems CDT / Applied in late December, no news as of yet
Warwick - PhD in Statistics / Applied (still incomplete)
University of Edinburgh - PhD in Probability and Stochastic Analysis / Will apply
Cambridge - MASt Part III in Mathematical Statistics / Conditional offer on 9th February, waiting for funding outcome
Hey I have also received a conditional offer today, but I could not see anything related to funding anywhere neither on the applicant portal nor on the offer letter. Does this mean I will not receive funding? Or do funding decisions come later?
I think funding outcomes will come later (they said it would be in March-April).
If you applied for the trinity studentship, results will come out in late march/april as well.

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by xbq22 » Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:39 pm

xbq22 wrote:
Mon Feb 13, 2023 5:48 pm
I have held out on doing this for so long but I think it's time to write up my own thingy here.

Undergrad Institution: Well known, not ivy, not amazing for math research but not bad either (though my advisor has told me that he knows of no one who has gotten into a T10 program from this institution in the last 15 years :(). Known for grade deflation
Majors: Double majored in math and physics
GPA: 3.83
Math GPA: 4.0
Type of student Domestic White Male

GRE Did not take

Program Applying: Pure Math, mainly focused on geometry and mathematical physics

Research Experience: Two research projects in physics, no publications, writing an honours thesis on the geometry of gauge theory that is essentially a textbook (currently sits at 180 pages)

Math Courses Taken: Multi, Odes, Linear Algebra I and II, Differential Geometry of curves and surfaces, discrete maths, Real Analysis I/II.
Graduate Courses Taken: Grad QM I and II, Grad EM, Quantum Field Theory I and II, Mathematical Physics, Differential topology I and II, Graduate Algebra I and II, Topics in Geometry (I suspect my lack of a complex analysis course, and my heavier slant towards physics is hurting me mildly here)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: 2 of my letters of recommendation should be very strong, another two should be good. I have given talks on gauge theory, and Yang-Mills theory in both the physics and math departments as well.

Applying to where: (in no particular order)
Harvard: Rejected
Caltech: Rejected
UCLA: Rejected
Duke: No interview (yet at least)
UPenn: No Open House Invite
Oxford: No interview (yet at least)
UC Berkely: Rejected (this one hurt me :cry: )
Stanford: Rejected
MIT: Rejected
Stony Brook: Rejected (this one was also painful. I got hopeful when I wasn't in the first round of rejections)
Washington: Rejected
Princeton: Rejected
UT Austin:
Oregon State
University of OregonAccepted!
UPittAccepted! Rejected Offer
NC StateAccepted! Rejected Offer
Cambridge Part ThreeAwaiting approval by PAO. Acceptance! Most likely will attend if Stony Brook doesn't work out. (I have been told that this is a good thing so we shall see at least). It was a good sign! If you get the awaiting approval by PAO, and don't here anything for longer than two weeks, email them and they might send an official offer. That's what I did.
If I go for the masters at cambridge, and try and apply again, anyone have any advice for what I can do to make myself look better in another round of apps?

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Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by xbq22 » Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:40 pm

Edited: probably best for another thread, sorry.

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Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:49 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Yamnaz » Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:56 am

Yamnaz wrote:
Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:09 am
Undergrad Institution:foreign university 500-600 qs ranking
[Major(s): Mathematics

GPA: undergraduate 89% graduate 4

Type of Student: female international

GRE Revised General Test: Didn't take

GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Didn't take

IELTS Score: (6.5= R6.5/L6/S6.6/W6)

Program Applying:Statistics

Research Experience: One published research on applied analysis.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions:Many government and university scholarships, Fully funded by government institution to complete PhD in statistics
Pertinent Activities or Jobs:TA for two years ,Math teacher for a high school.

Applying where:
U Pittsburgh Rejected 14 Feb
U illinois at Urbana Champaign Rejected 21 Feb
U michighan arr arbor Rejected 28 Feb
Purdue university west laf Rejected 2 March
Texas a&m university Accepted 4 Mar

Finally I've got accepted. Thanks God
Good luck for everyone

Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2023 4:15 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by yjj82333akdc » Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:00 pm

inhyak wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:22 pm
Undergrad Institution: Top Large Public University
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): Computer Science
GPA: 3.82
Math GPA: 3.8
Type of Student: Male Asian Domestic

GRE Revised General Test: Didn't Take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: 720 (60%) [Only submitted if required]

Program Applying: Applied Mathematics

Research Experience: 2 Projects during the school year and 1 REU. One paper and conference to show for it
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Nothing special - Deans List
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 20 Hours Tutor a week, Grader for 2 years
Math Courses Taken: Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations (Graduate Level), Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis (Graduate Level), Probability/Statistics, Machine Learning (Graduate Level), Networks, Optimization (Graduate Level)

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: B-/B+ in Linear Algebra and B- in Diff Geo.

Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)

UCLA - Waitlist (March 7) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
NYU - Pending
University of Washington Rejected (January 25) Notified by email (Accepted to unfunded MS)
University of Michigan - Accepted (February 28) Notified by email (30k TAship)
Cornell - Rejected (February 8 ) Notified by Email
Duke - Interview (January 12) - Waitlist (February 9) Notified by email
Georgia Tech - Pending

Maryland - Accepted (February 2) Notified by email (26k TAship + 5k Dean's Fellowship)
Northwestern -Waitlist (March 6) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
Boston University - Interview (February 7) - Waitlist (February 16) Notified by email
Purdue - Accepted (February 9) Notified by email (22k TAship)
University of Utah - Waitlist (February 11) Notified by email
Penn State - Accepted (February 21) Notified by email (30k TAship)

ASU - Accepted (January 19) Notified by email (24k TAship)
UNC -Accepted (March 2) Notified by email (21k TAship)
UCI - Pending

Definitely should have tried more on the mGRE. I also have no idea what is a reach match and safety at this point so kinda arbitrarily dumped them into buckets. Hope to get into mathematical modeling with ODEs or Networks.
Update: Lot less stress with the ASU admission - but also bombed Duke interview :(
Update 2: Sad about UW and their email reads like an acceptance smh. hopefully others will clutch up tho!
Update 3: Was stressing about Duke for a while but UMD OUTTA NOWHERE so thankful
Update 4: Rip Cornell and lowkey was expecting the Duke Waitlist sigh
Update 5: Surprised Purdue got back to me but very grateful, also surprised Utah gave emails on a weekend lol
Update 6: Lowkey thought i was looking good for BU since they interviewed me and even emailed me if I was still interested. Third waitlist...
Update 7: Penn State finally dropped any sign of life LOL
Update 8: Literally almost crying got into AIM program - completely out of left field :)
Any updates with NYU? I haven't heard from NYU, but I see others got an offer(2/7) or a reject(3/6).

Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:46 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Boplicity » Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:40 pm

inhyak wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:22 pm
Undergrad Institution: Top Large Public University
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): Computer Science
GPA: 3.82
Math GPA: 3.8
Type of Student: Male Asian Domestic

GRE Revised General Test: Didn't Take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: 720 (60%) [Only submitted if required]

Program Applying: Applied Mathematics

Research Experience: 2 Projects during the school year and 1 REU. One paper and conference to show for it
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Nothing special - Deans List
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 20 Hours Tutor a week, Grader for 2 years
Math Courses Taken: Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations (Graduate Level), Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis (Graduate Level), Probability/Statistics, Machine Learning (Graduate Level), Networks, Optimization (Graduate Level)

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: B-/B+ in Linear Algebra and B- in Diff Geo.

Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)

UCLA - Waitlist (March 7) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
NYU - Pending
University of Washington Rejected (January 25) Notified by email (Accepted to unfunded MS)
University of Michigan - Accepted (February 28) Notified by email (30k TAship)
Cornell - Rejected (February 8 ) Notified by Email
Duke - Interview (January 12) - Waitlist (February 9) Notified by email
Georgia Tech - Pending

Maryland - Accepted (February 2) Notified by email (26k TAship + 5k Dean's Fellowship)
Northwestern -Waitlist (March 6) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
Boston University - Interview (February 7) - Waitlist (February 16) Notified by email
Purdue - Accepted (February 9) Notified by email (22k TAship)
University of Utah - Waitlist (February 11) Notified by email
Penn State - Accepted (February 21) Notified by email (30k TAship)

ASU - Accepted (January 19) Notified by email (24k TAship)
UNC -Accepted (March 2) Notified by email (21k TAship)
UCI - Pending

Definitely should have tried more on the mGRE. I also have no idea what is a reach match and safety at this point so kinda arbitrarily dumped them into buckets. Hope to get into mathematical modeling with ODEs or Networks.
Update: Lot less stress with the ASU admission - but also bombed Duke interview :(
Update 2: Sad about UW and their email reads like an acceptance smh. hopefully others will clutch up tho!
Update 3: Was stressing about Duke for a while but UMD OUTTA NOWHERE so thankful
Update 4: Rip Cornell and lowkey was expecting the Duke Waitlist sigh
Update 5: Surprised Purdue got back to me but very grateful, also surprised Utah gave emails on a weekend lol
Update 6: Lowkey thought i was looking good for BU since they interviewed me and even emailed me if I was still interested. Third waitlist...
Update 7: Penn State finally dropped any sign of life LOL
Update 8: Literally almost crying got into AIM program - completely out of left field :)
Did the email from UCLA say anything other than that you were on a waitlist?

Also, did you have an interview with Michigan?

Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:59 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by inhyak » Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:42 pm

yjj82333akdc wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:00 pm
inhyak wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:22 pm
Undergrad Institution: Top Large Public University
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): Computer Science
GPA: 3.82
Math GPA: 3.8
Type of Student: Male Asian Domestic

GRE Revised General Test: Didn't Take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: 720 (60%) [Only submitted if required]

Program Applying: Applied Mathematics

Research Experience: 2 Projects during the school year and 1 REU. One paper and conference to show for it
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Nothing special - Deans List
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 20 Hours Tutor a week, Grader for 2 years
Math Courses Taken: Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations (Graduate Level), Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis (Graduate Level), Probability/Statistics, Machine Learning (Graduate Level), Networks, Optimization (Graduate Level)

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: B-/B+ in Linear Algebra and B- in Diff Geo.

Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)

UCLA - Waitlist (March 7) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
NYU - Pending
University of Washington Rejected (January 25) Notified by email (Accepted to unfunded MS)
University of Michigan - Accepted (February 28) Notified by email (30k TAship)
Cornell - Rejected (February 8 ) Notified by Email
Duke - Interview (January 12) - Waitlist (February 9) Notified by email
Georgia Tech - Pending

Maryland - Accepted (February 2) Notified by email (26k TAship + 5k Dean's Fellowship)
Northwestern -Waitlist (March 6) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
Boston University - Interview (February 7) - Waitlist (February 16) Notified by email
Purdue - Accepted (February 9) Notified by email (22k TAship)
University of Utah - Waitlist (February 11) Notified by email
Penn State - Accepted (February 21) Notified by email (30k TAship)

ASU - Accepted (January 19) Notified by email (24k TAship)
UNC -Accepted (March 2) Notified by email (21k TAship)
UCI - Pending

Definitely should have tried more on the mGRE. I also have no idea what is a reach match and safety at this point so kinda arbitrarily dumped them into buckets. Hope to get into mathematical modeling with ODEs or Networks.
Update: Lot less stress with the ASU admission - but also bombed Duke interview :(
Update 2: Sad about UW and their email reads like an acceptance smh. hopefully others will clutch up tho!
Update 3: Was stressing about Duke for a while but UMD OUTTA NOWHERE so thankful
Update 4: Rip Cornell and lowkey was expecting the Duke Waitlist sigh
Update 5: Surprised Purdue got back to me but very grateful, also surprised Utah gave emails on a weekend lol
Update 6: Lowkey thought i was looking good for BU since they interviewed me and even emailed me if I was still interested. Third waitlist...
Update 7: Penn State finally dropped any sign of life LOL
Update 8: Literally almost crying got into AIM program - completely out of left field :)
Any updates with NYU? I haven't heard from NYU, but I see others got an offer(2/7) or a reject(3/6).
Nothing from NYU yet. I suspect those rejects are for Pure? but maybe there were applied rejects to idk lol

Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:59 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by inhyak » Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:43 pm

Boplicity wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:40 pm
inhyak wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:22 pm
Undergrad Institution: Top Large Public University
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): Computer Science
GPA: 3.82
Math GPA: 3.8
Type of Student: Male Asian Domestic

GRE Revised General Test: Didn't Take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: 720 (60%) [Only submitted if required]

Program Applying: Applied Mathematics

Research Experience: 2 Projects during the school year and 1 REU. One paper and conference to show for it
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Nothing special - Deans List
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 20 Hours Tutor a week, Grader for 2 years
Math Courses Taken: Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations (Graduate Level), Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis (Graduate Level), Probability/Statistics, Machine Learning (Graduate Level), Networks, Optimization (Graduate Level)

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: B-/B+ in Linear Algebra and B- in Diff Geo.

Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)

UCLA - Waitlist (March 7) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
NYU - Pending
University of Washington Rejected (January 25) Notified by email (Accepted to unfunded MS)
University of Michigan - Accepted (February 28) Notified by email (30k TAship)
Cornell - Rejected (February 8 ) Notified by Email
Duke - Interview (January 12) - Waitlist (February 9) Notified by email
Georgia Tech - Pending

Maryland - Accepted (February 2) Notified by email (26k TAship + 5k Dean's Fellowship)
Northwestern -Waitlist (March 6) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
Boston University - Interview (February 7) - Waitlist (February 16) Notified by email
Purdue - Accepted (February 9) Notified by email (22k TAship)
University of Utah - Waitlist (February 11) Notified by email
Penn State - Accepted (February 21) Notified by email (30k TAship)

ASU - Accepted (January 19) Notified by email (24k TAship)
UNC -Accepted (March 2) Notified by email (21k TAship)
UCI - Pending

Definitely should have tried more on the mGRE. I also have no idea what is a reach match and safety at this point so kinda arbitrarily dumped them into buckets. Hope to get into mathematical modeling with ODEs or Networks.
Update: Lot less stress with the ASU admission - but also bombed Duke interview :(
Update 2: Sad about UW and their email reads like an acceptance smh. hopefully others will clutch up tho!
Update 3: Was stressing about Duke for a while but UMD OUTTA NOWHERE so thankful
Update 4: Rip Cornell and lowkey was expecting the Duke Waitlist sigh
Update 5: Surprised Purdue got back to me but very grateful, also surprised Utah gave emails on a weekend lol
Update 6: Lowkey thought i was looking good for BU since they interviewed me and even emailed me if I was still interested. Third waitlist...
Update 7: Penn State finally dropped any sign of life LOL
Update 8: Literally almost crying got into AIM program - completely out of left field :)
Did the email from UCLA say anything other than that you were on a waitlist?

Also, did you have an interview with Michigan?
pretty much just said i was waitlisted and asked me where else I am considering
Also, no interview from Michigan
Last edited by inhyak on Sat Mar 25, 2023 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:47 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Emz-ug » Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:42 am

Undergrad & Masters Institution: University from small East African Country
Major(s): Math
GPA in undergrad: 75% overall, (80% math)
GPA Masters: 83%
Type of Student: International Black Male

GRE Revised General Test: Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 720 (60%)

TOEFL Score: (90 = R21/L25/S22/W22) (if applicable)

Program Applying: PhD Pure Math–Number Theory

Research Experience: Two research preprints from my masters thesis in number theory, with one accepted for publication.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Best student in my masters class.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: TAed a bunch of undergrad courses in algebra, analysis and calculus for 2 years.
Math Courses Taken: 15 graduate courses taken.

Applying to Where:
Michigan Tech - Admitted(28/02)–Waiting on funding decision
University of Oklahoma -Accepted on (07/03) via Email with $20k/yr. Will Attend
Kansas State -
University of Missouri -

My second time applying, so glad I got in some where.
Good luck to everyone!
Last edited by Emz-ug on Thu Mar 30, 2023 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2023 4:15 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by yjj82333akdc » Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:24 am

inhyak wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:42 pm
yjj82333akdc wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:00 pm
inhyak wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:22 pm
Undergrad Institution: Top Large Public University
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): Computer Science
GPA: 3.82
Math GPA: 3.8
Type of Student: Male Asian Domestic

GRE Revised General Test: Didn't Take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: 720 (60%) [Only submitted if required]

Program Applying: Applied Mathematics

Research Experience: 2 Projects during the school year and 1 REU. One paper and conference to show for it
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Nothing special - Deans List
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 20 Hours Tutor a week, Grader for 2 years
Math Courses Taken: Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations (Graduate Level), Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis (Graduate Level), Probability/Statistics, Machine Learning (Graduate Level), Networks, Optimization (Graduate Level)

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: B-/B+ in Linear Algebra and B- in Diff Geo.

Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)

UCLA - Waitlist (March 7) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
NYU - Pending
University of Washington Rejected (January 25) Notified by email (Accepted to unfunded MS)
University of Michigan - Accepted (February 28) Notified by email (30k TAship)
Cornell - Rejected (February 8 ) Notified by Email
Duke - Interview (January 12) - Waitlist (February 9) Notified by email
Georgia Tech - Pending

Maryland - Accepted (February 2) Notified by email (26k TAship + 5k Dean's Fellowship)
Northwestern -Waitlist (March 6) Emailed for application update - Responded with waitlist
Boston University - Interview (February 7) - Waitlist (February 16) Notified by email
Purdue - Accepted (February 9) Notified by email (22k TAship)
University of Utah - Waitlist (February 11) Notified by email
Penn State - Accepted (February 21) Notified by email (30k TAship)

ASU - Accepted (January 19) Notified by email (24k TAship)
UNC -Accepted (March 2) Notified by email (21k TAship)
UCI - Pending

Definitely should have tried more on the mGRE. I also have no idea what is a reach match and safety at this point so kinda arbitrarily dumped them into buckets. Hope to get into mathematical modeling with ODEs or Networks.
Update: Lot less stress with the ASU admission - but also bombed Duke interview :(
Update 2: Sad about UW and their email reads like an acceptance smh. hopefully others will clutch up tho!
Update 3: Was stressing about Duke for a while but UMD OUTTA NOWHERE so thankful
Update 4: Rip Cornell and lowkey was expecting the Duke Waitlist sigh
Update 5: Surprised Purdue got back to me but very grateful, also surprised Utah gave emails on a weekend lol
Update 6: Lowkey thought i was looking good for BU since they interviewed me and even emailed me if I was still interested. Third waitlist...
Update 7: Penn State finally dropped any sign of life LOL
Update 8: Literally almost crying got into AIM program - completely out of left field :)
Any updates with NYU? I haven't heard from NYU, but I see others got an offer(2/7) or a reject(3/6).
Nothing from NYU yet. I suspect those rejects are for Pure? but maybe there were applied rejects to idk lol
They don't separate pure and applied admissions; I have friends in both pure and applied tracks got rejects; The best I can expect is on a waitlist lol.
Btw, I am also waiting for duke and umich, could you decline Duke if not considering it any more? Big thanks

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:47 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by jc150014 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:22 pm

Undergrad Institution: Big State in IL
Math GPA:[3.0]
Type of Student: Asian Male

Masters Institution: Big State in TN
GPA: 3.37

GRE Revised General Test: Did not take due to COVID
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Did not take due to COVID

Program Applying: (Applied Mathematics and Math Physics)

Research Experience: (I gave about 4 talks in conferences during masters program related to math physics and dispersive equations.)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: (None)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: (Graded for Calc III, Undergraduate Analysis, Linear Algebra, and worked in a Math Learning Center for a long time.)
Math Courses Taken: (Measure Theoretic Probability Theory, Real Analysis I & II (First semester was measure theory and the second was intro to functional), 3 PDE classes, 2 ODE classes, Ergodic Theory, Functional Analysis, Stat. Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Physics, Complex Analysis, 2 courses in Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Particle Physics, and a few more.)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: (Had one pretty famous recommender and was very close with them)
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:[There were some errors in my transcript. For example, I had a F in Calc 1 & 2. Too long to explain here but explained it in my personal statement.]

Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
University of Buffalo - Applied Mathematics PhD/ Accepted on 03/07/2023
University of Indiana Bloomington [\u] - Mathematical Physics PhD / Got invited to open house on 01/31/2023 through email/Got an admissions update from the Graduate Director on 03/04/2023
Boston University - Mathematics PhD / Rejected on 03/02/2023
IUPUI - Mathematics PhD/ Pending as of 03/08/2023
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Mathematics PhD / Pending as of 03/08/2023


Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Dec 23, 2022 6:55 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by auGausst0 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:22 pm

OneFormula wrote:
Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:37 pm
Undergrad Institution: Domestic Large University, top 30 in usnews.com rankings
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): Philosophy, potentially Spanish too, though I mostly just mentioned Philosophy and proficiency in Spanish
GPA: 3.67
Math GPA: 3.47
Type of Student: Domestic Male, not minority

GRE Revised General Test: Yes
Q: 165 (81%)
V: 166 (97%)
W: 4.5 (79%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Yes, I accidentally chose the free score sends and sent them to the schools marked with a double asterisk (**). Otherwise, I pretty much never brought it up or used it in my applications.
M: 590 (33%)

TOEFL Score: N/A

Program Applying: Pure Math

Research Experience: I have partaken in two different research projects, one through a program at my university, in Quantum Information Theory, and another through a program without a home university, in Mathematical Logic. The first was about 5 months long and I presented at my university (poster session), and the second was about 6 months long and I presented at a seminar at an undergrad seminar at my university, and then later elsewhere at a big Math conference.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: I plan to graduate with high distinction from the Math department.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Not much officially (some tutoring, some computational work), but I made mention of some unofficial Math teaching.
Math Courses Taken: (Graduate-level) Topology, (Undergraduate-level) Complex Analysis, Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra 1 and 2, Independent study in Topology, Topology and Set Theory, Abstract Linear Algebra, Introductory CS course (Java), Calculus sequence.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: One of my recommenders is a Dean for the college. Math Logic is a relatively small discipline, and one of my recommenders knows many of the people in it.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I did attend a workshop at ND that I really enjoyed and was in my statement. Also, I had stuff uploaded to a couple of schools after the application deadline (which was acceptable, but might not be considered if done too late), but I suspect it would have had an impact on practically one or (more likely, I think,) none of them.

Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
At their respective PhD Mathematics Programs:

Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) / Pending on (1/7)
**University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) / Pending on (1/7)
**Carnegie Mellon (CMU) / Pending on (1/7)

Rutgers University / Pending on (1/7)
University of Maryland (UMD) / Pending on (1/7)

**University of Notre Dame / Pending on (1/7)
Michigan State University (MSU) / Pending on (1/7)
Ohio State University (OSU) / Pending on (1/7)
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) / ACCEPTED INTO PROGRAM! on (3/4)
**City University of New York (CUNY) / Pending on (1/7)

Florida State at Gainesville / Pending on (1/7)
University of Nebraska - Lincoln / Pending on (1/7)

Remarks: My indicated areas of interest were: #1 Mathematical Logic, #2 Topology, #3 Combinatorics. The school ranking was based on US News and QS World as well as some of my own estimation and that of another. My top preferred schools were #1 Notre Dame, #2 UIC, #3 CUNY or Rutgers.

My advice: (1) Do not use the GRE free score sends, especially for the Math GRE Subject Test! Wait to see your scores, and then decide whether to send them. Many schools, whether due to Covid or loss of interest in GRE results, don't seem to require it. (2) From what I've heard, having research papers seems much less important than having had research experience and knowing what you enjoyed about the experience, and maybe also any skills you learned that would be important for a Mathematician. (3) Honestly, regardless of whether you get into a top tier school or even your first choice, you're truly amazing. Maybe it would do us some good, especially when we might be worried about the future of our journeys, to take a moment to be in awe of our lives and the lives of others.
Hey man, your profile is very similar to mine as well as our research interests. I have to say that when I conducted my usual anxiety riddled perusing of this forum today and saw that you were accepted to Illinois Chicago, I felt genuinely excited for you!

Congratulations, that's a fantastic school and I hope our paths cross at some point!! (I'm sure they will as logic is a niche group)

Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:10 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by thyartismath » Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:26 pm

thyartismath wrote:
Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:10 am
Undergrad Institution:
Reputable State School
Mathematics (Pure)
Math GPA:
Grad Institution:
Same School as Undegrad
Grad Major(s):
Mathematics (Pure)
Grad GPA:
Type of Student:
Domestic, white male

GRE Revised General Test:
Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
Didn't take

Program Applying:
Mathematics (Pure)

Research Experience:
Not much of note here. I did a small poster for a senior “thesis” on chaos theory and topology during undergrad. I was starting my masters thesis on the Andrews-Curtis Conjecture, but had burnt out from academia at that point and took an “industry” job for a year at a fancy big dollar tech company. Finished my masters with a comprehensive exam when I decided to leave that job after COVID.
Graduated cum laude undegrad. Received a small scholarship from the math department a few times. Made the deans list a few times.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs:
I tutored for my undergraduate/graduate institution for several years while getting my degrees and also taught courses as part of my TA funding package when I was doing my masters. I currently teach full-time as a math instructor at a community college.
Math Courses Taken:
This would be a pretty long list, but generally I covered: discrete mathematics, set theory, logic, analysis, calculus, diff eq, linear algebra, topology, abstract algebra, algebraic geometry, probability and statistics, time series analysis. Also took some math education courses during my masters because I wanted to learn skills related to actually teaching math.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help:
I’m not a traditional applicant (at this point) for PhD programs, but I think my teaching experience is my main selling point.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
I secured three strong letters from reputable professors at my undergrad institution.

Applying to Where:
Stanford — Officially rejected 2/10/2023
UC Riverside — Unofficially rejected/waitlisted 02/28/2023
UC Irvine — Applied 12/01/2022
UC San Diego — Officially rejected 3/08/2023
Edited with update — received rejection from UCSD today. Best of luck to all others.

Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:52 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by brumer_stark » Thu Mar 09, 2023 8:17 am

gzero wrote:
Tue Sep 06, 2022 9:14 am
Might as well put this up.

Undergrad: Top UK university for maths
Masters: Part III maths at Cambridge
Major(s): Mathematics (technically "Pure Mathematics" at Cambridge)
Minor(s): N/A
GPA: High(?) First Class in my undergrad
Type of Student: International (UK) White Male

GRE Revised General Test: Not taking, not required at any school I've applied to
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Ditto

Program Applying: PhD Math, looking to specialise in functional analysis or something closely related (eg. spectral theory, harmonic analysis on locally compact groups, etc.)

Research Experience: Not really research per se but did a project on Leray-Hopf solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations as part of my undergrad (not original, more of a survey). Doing Part III essay on computational spectral theory.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: None since high school (one of the downsides of small fish big pond)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: I wrote much of ProofWiki's coverage of functional analysis and measure theory. Competed in a small inter-university integration competition this year and plan on helping coordinate next year's.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: My coursework is probably the strongest thing about my application. (if it even matters much) Grad-level courses would be three courses in functional analysis going up to C* algebras & Borel functional calculus and another course "Unbounded Operators and Semigroups", manifolds, analytic theory of PDEs, non-linear analysis, commutative algebra, measure theory, 2x measure-theoretic probability, stochastic calculus. Otherwise decent mix of undergrad courses, courses in groups/rings, linear algebra, real/complex/multivariable analysis, point-set topology, basic non-Euclidean geometry, number theory, set theory, logic and a first course in undergrad statistics. My last year was slightly disappointing (had issues with insomnia around exams) with a few 2:1s but still did fairly well. (my overall grade is mid 80s) I'm hoping two of my letters will be glowing, the third might be a bit flat.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Unsure, both my undergrad and masters are big names. Shouldn't mean much but might do.

Applying to where
Berkeley - rejected 14/02 (obviously)
Princeton - rejected 03/02

Non Super-Reach
UIUC - submitted 26/11
Purdue - accepted 10/02 with $21,689.00 funding in Y1 + $1,689.00 medical - fees, declined
UW Madison - rejected 20/02 - disappointing, apparently 600 applicants. Probably the first rejection I'm disappointed with.
Texas A&M - Howdy portal says "admission offered" but nothing on funding 15/02 (worth noting for future years: I didn't submit a GRE score despite being "required" on the website), official offer 22/02, declined
Virginia - unofficial acceptance 18/02, official offer 20/02 with $24k funding + $6k possible summer support, declined
Washington University St. Louis - submitted 27/11

UK options
Rough order of preference
Cambridge - attended interview 18/01, UNOFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE WITH FUNDING 26/01. Formal offer 03/02, ATTENDING
Oxford - invited to interview 23/01, attended 01/02 Offer 24/02, declined
Glasgow - attended interview 13/01, Offer 10/02, funding yet to be confirmed, declined
Lancaster - invited to interview 24/01, attended on 01/02, funded offer 13/01, declined
Leeds - invited to interview 25/01, attended 31/01, Offer 17/02, funding yet to be confirmed, declined
KCL - withdrawn, invited to interview 21/02 (guess it didn't go through), withdrawn again
Nottingham - rejected 23/02 ??? lmfao

27/01: I will likely just attend Cambridge since I'm quite enthusiastic about the project, and it's very broad so I have very little risk of getting stuck on something I don't like. (I can do pretty much anything in applied analysis) First decision too, bit stunned.

29/01: I decided I will attend these interviews, just in case a random act of God occurs before I get an official notification. Also gives me some interview experience.
Hey, congratulations on all your offers. Did u apply to Cambridge’s PhD program or MASt?

Posts: 50
Joined: Tue Mar 29, 2022 5:03 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by xbq22 » Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:25 pm

brumer_stark wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 8:17 am
gzero wrote:
Tue Sep 06, 2022 9:14 am
Might as well put this up.

Undergrad: Top UK university for maths
Masters: Part III maths at Cambridge
Major(s): Mathematics (technically "Pure Mathematics" at Cambridge)
Minor(s): N/A
GPA: High(?) First Class in my undergrad
Type of Student: International (UK) White Male

GRE Revised General Test: Not taking, not required at any school I've applied to
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Ditto

Program Applying: PhD Math, looking to specialise in functional analysis or something closely related (eg. spectral theory, harmonic analysis on locally compact groups, etc.)

Research Experience: Not really research per se but did a project on Leray-Hopf solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations as part of my undergrad (not original, more of a survey). Doing Part III essay on computational spectral theory.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: None since high school (one of the downsides of small fish big pond)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: I wrote much of ProofWiki's coverage of functional analysis and measure theory. Competed in a small inter-university integration competition this year and plan on helping coordinate next year's.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: My coursework is probably the strongest thing about my application. (if it even matters much) Grad-level courses would be three courses in functional analysis going up to C* algebras & Borel functional calculus and another course "Unbounded Operators and Semigroups", manifolds, analytic theory of PDEs, non-linear analysis, commutative algebra, measure theory, 2x measure-theoretic probability, stochastic calculus. Otherwise decent mix of undergrad courses, courses in groups/rings, linear algebra, real/complex/multivariable analysis, point-set topology, basic non-Euclidean geometry, number theory, set theory, logic and a first course in undergrad statistics. My last year was slightly disappointing (had issues with insomnia around exams) with a few 2:1s but still did fairly well. (my overall grade is mid 80s) I'm hoping two of my letters will be glowing, the third might be a bit flat.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Unsure, both my undergrad and masters are big names. Shouldn't mean much but might do.

Applying to where
Berkeley - rejected 14/02 (obviously)
Princeton - rejected 03/02

Non Super-Reach
UIUC - submitted 26/11
Purdue - accepted 10/02 with $21,689.00 funding in Y1 + $1,689.00 medical - fees, declined
UW Madison - rejected 20/02 - disappointing, apparently 600 applicants. Probably the first rejection I'm disappointed with.
Texas A&M - Howdy portal says "admission offered" but nothing on funding 15/02 (worth noting for future years: I didn't submit a GRE score despite being "required" on the website), official offer 22/02, declined
Virginia - unofficial acceptance 18/02, official offer 20/02 with $24k funding + $6k possible summer support, declined
Washington University St. Louis - submitted 27/11

UK options
Rough order of preference
Cambridge - attended interview 18/01, UNOFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE WITH FUNDING 26/01. Formal offer 03/02, ATTENDING
Oxford - invited to interview 23/01, attended 01/02 Offer 24/02, declined
Glasgow - attended interview 13/01, Offer 10/02, funding yet to be confirmed, declined
Lancaster - invited to interview 24/01, attended on 01/02, funded offer 13/01, declined
Leeds - invited to interview 25/01, attended 31/01, Offer 17/02, funding yet to be confirmed, declined
KCL - withdrawn, invited to interview 21/02 (guess it didn't go through), withdrawn again
Nottingham - rejected 23/02 ??? lmfao

27/01: I will likely just attend Cambridge since I'm quite enthusiastic about the project, and it's very broad so I have very little risk of getting stuck on something I don't like. (I can do pretty much anything in applied analysis) First decision too, bit stunned.

29/01: I decided I will attend these interviews, just in case a random act of God occurs before I get an official notification. Also gives me some interview experience.
Hey, congratulations on all your offers. Did u apply to Cambridge’s PhD program or MASt?
They have Part Three in his masters bio, so I believe this a PhD

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:05 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by sarah210900 » Fri Mar 10, 2023 4:58 am

username wrote:
Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:47 am
Undergrad Institution: Foreign (ranked 401-450)
Major(s): Computer Engineering, Mathematics
GPA: 3.7
Type of Student: International Male

GRE Revised General Test: NA
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: 830 (81%)

TOEFL Score: 102 (R29/L29/S23/W24)

Program Applying: Pure Math

Research Experience: One in commutative algebra, took a year, and resulted in a preprint. One in arithmetic statistics, over the summer, presented at a workshop. One in arithmetic geometry, for a year, barely original, mostly learning.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: High honors (expected).
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Grader for a CS course, undergrad assistant for a grad Math course.
Math Courses Taken: Usual undergrad, elliptic curves, algebraic curves, grad algebraic number theory. Audited grad AG and algebra courses, 2 each.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Couple of connections here or there. One ref did Part III and continued to PhD.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I am pretty close with my recommenders, so I expect the letters will work well with my SOP.

Applying to Where: On March 10:
Cambridge (Part III) - Accepted: February 10
Michigan -
Toronto (Ph.D.) -
UPenn -
Cornell -
Brown - Rejected
Wisconsin-Madison - Rejected
Duke -
UIUC - Waitlisted
Bristol (Ph.D.) -
Northwestern - Rejected
Michigan Stat - Waitlisted
Maryland - Accepted: February 11
Penn State -
Ohio State - Waitlisted
Boston University - Rejected
BMS (Phase I) - Rejected
University of Georgia -
Colorado State - Accepted: February 15
Dartmouth - Rejected
Emory - Rejected
Did you hear anything from ALGANT?

Posts: 30
Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2022 1:10 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by gzero » Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:02 am

brumer_stark wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 8:17 am
gzero wrote:
Tue Sep 06, 2022 9:14 am
Might as well put this up.

Undergrad: Top UK university for maths
Masters: Part III maths at Cambridge
Major(s): Mathematics (technically "Pure Mathematics" at Cambridge)
Minor(s): N/A
GPA: High(?) First Class in my undergrad
Type of Student: International (UK) White Male

GRE Revised General Test: Not taking, not required at any school I've applied to
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Ditto

Program Applying: PhD Math, looking to specialise in functional analysis or something closely related (eg. spectral theory, harmonic analysis on locally compact groups, etc.)

Research Experience: Not really research per se but did a project on Leray-Hopf solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations as part of my undergrad (not original, more of a survey). Doing Part III essay on computational spectral theory.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: None since high school (one of the downsides of small fish big pond)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: I wrote much of ProofWiki's coverage of functional analysis and measure theory. Competed in a small inter-university integration competition this year and plan on helping coordinate next year's.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: My coursework is probably the strongest thing about my application. (if it even matters much) Grad-level courses would be three courses in functional analysis going up to C* algebras & Borel functional calculus and another course "Unbounded Operators and Semigroups", manifolds, analytic theory of PDEs, non-linear analysis, commutative algebra, measure theory, 2x measure-theoretic probability, stochastic calculus. Otherwise decent mix of undergrad courses, courses in groups/rings, linear algebra, real/complex/multivariable analysis, point-set topology, basic non-Euclidean geometry, number theory, set theory, logic and a first course in undergrad statistics. My last year was slightly disappointing (had issues with insomnia around exams) with a few 2:1s but still did fairly well. (my overall grade is mid 80s) I'm hoping two of my letters will be glowing, the third might be a bit flat.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Unsure, both my undergrad and masters are big names. Shouldn't mean much but might do.

Applying to where
Berkeley - rejected 14/02 (obviously)
Princeton - rejected 03/02

Non Super-Reach
UIUC - submitted 26/11
Purdue - accepted 10/02 with $21,689.00 funding in Y1 + $1,689.00 medical - fees, declined
UW Madison - rejected 20/02 - disappointing, apparently 600 applicants. Probably the first rejection I'm disappointed with.
Texas A&M - Howdy portal says "admission offered" but nothing on funding 15/02 (worth noting for future years: I didn't submit a GRE score despite being "required" on the website), official offer 22/02, declined
Virginia - unofficial acceptance 18/02, official offer 20/02 with $24k funding + $6k possible summer support, declined
Washington University St. Louis - submitted 27/11

UK options
Rough order of preference
Cambridge - attended interview 18/01, UNOFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE WITH FUNDING 26/01. Formal offer 03/02, ATTENDING
Oxford - invited to interview 23/01, attended 01/02 Offer 24/02, declined
Glasgow - attended interview 13/01, Offer 10/02, funding yet to be confirmed, declined
Lancaster - invited to interview 24/01, attended on 01/02, funded offer 13/01, declined
Leeds - invited to interview 25/01, attended 31/01, Offer 17/02, funding yet to be confirmed, declined
KCL - withdrawn, invited to interview 21/02 (guess it didn't go through), withdrawn again
Nottingham - rejected 23/02 ??? lmfao

27/01: I will likely just attend Cambridge since I'm quite enthusiastic about the project, and it's very broad so I have very little risk of getting stuck on something I don't like. (I can do pretty much anything in applied analysis) First decision too, bit stunned.

29/01: I decided I will attend these interviews, just in case a random act of God occurs before I get an official notification. Also gives me some interview experience.
Hey, congratulations on all your offers. Did u apply to Cambridge’s PhD program or MASt?
PhD - will be doing CDT Mathematics of Information. Currently on the MASt.

Posts: 50
Joined: Tue Mar 29, 2022 5:03 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by xbq22 » Sat Mar 11, 2023 4:02 pm

xbq22 wrote:
Mon Feb 13, 2023 5:48 pm
I have held out on doing this for so long but I think it's time to write up my own thingy here.

Undergrad Institution: Well known, not ivy, not amazing for math research but not bad either (though my advisor has told me that he knows of no one who has gotten into a T10 program from this institution in the last 15 years :(). Known for grade deflation
Majors: Double majored in math and physics
GPA: 3.83
Math GPA: 4.0
Type of student Domestic White Male

GRE Did not take

Program Applying: Pure Math, mainly focused on geometry and mathematical physics

Research Experience: Two research projects in physics, no publications, writing an honours thesis on the geometry of gauge theory that is essentially a textbook (currently sits at 180 pages)

Math Courses Taken: Multi, Odes, Linear Algebra I and II, Differential Geometry of curves and surfaces, discrete maths, Real Analysis I/II.
Graduate Courses Taken: Grad QM I and II, Grad EM, Quantum Field Theory I and II, Mathematical Physics, Differential topology I and II, Graduate Algebra I and II, Topics in Geometry (I suspect my lack of a complex analysis course, and my heavier slant towards physics is hurting me mildly here)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: 2 of my letters of recommendation should be very strong, another two should be good. I have given talks on gauge theory, and Yang-Mills theory in both the physics and math departments as well.

Applying to where: (in no particular order)
Harvard: Rejected
Caltech: Rejected
UCLA: Rejected
Duke: No interview (yet at least)
UPenn: No Open House Invite
Oxford: No interview (yet at least) rejected
UC Berkely: Rejected (this one hurt me :cry: )
Stanford: Rejected
MIT: Rejected
Stony Brook: Rejected (this one was also painful. I got hopeful when I wasn't in the first round of rejections)
Washington: Rejected
Princeton: Rejected
UT Austin:
Oregon State
University of OregonAccepted!
UPittAccepted! Rejected Offer
NC StateAccepted! Rejected Offer
Cambridge Part ThreeAwaiting approval by PAO. Acceptance! Most likely will attend if Stony Brook doesn't work out. (I have been told that this is a good thing so we shall see at least). It was a good sign! If you get the awaiting approval by PAO, and don't here anything for longer than two weeks, email them and they might send an official offer. That's what I did.

Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:22 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Walby6 » Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:49 pm

sarah210900 wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 4:58 am
username wrote:
Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:47 am
Undergrad Institution: Foreign (ranked 401-450)
Major(s): Computer Engineering, Mathematics
GPA: 3.7
Type of Student: International Male

GRE Revised General Test: NA
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: 830 (81%)

TOEFL Score: 102 (R29/L29/S23/W24)

Program Applying: Pure Math

Research Experience: One in commutative algebra, took a year, and resulted in a preprint. One in arithmetic statistics, over the summer, presented at a workshop. One in arithmetic geometry, for a year, barely original, mostly learning.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: High honors (expected).
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Grader for a CS course, undergrad assistant for a grad Math course.
Math Courses Taken: Usual undergrad, elliptic curves, algebraic curves, grad algebraic number theory. Audited grad AG and algebra courses, 2 each.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Couple of connections here or there. One ref did Part III and continued to PhD.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I am pretty close with my recommenders, so I expect the letters will work well with my SOP.

Applying to Where: On March 10:
Cambridge (Part III) - Accepted: February 10
Michigan -
Toronto (Ph.D.) -
UPenn -
Cornell -
Brown - Rejected
Wisconsin-Madison - Rejected
Duke -
UIUC - Waitlisted
Bristol (Ph.D.) -
Northwestern - Rejected
Michigan Stat - Waitlisted
Maryland - Accepted: February 11
Penn State -
Ohio State - Waitlisted
Boston University - Rejected
BMS (Phase I) - Rejected
University of Georgia -
Colorado State - Accepted: February 15
Dartmouth - Rejected
Emory - Rejected
Did you hear anything from ALGANT?
I applied to ALGANT as well and haven’t heard anything. Have you?

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:05 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by sarah210900 » Sun Mar 12, 2023 8:06 am

Walby6 wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:49 pm
sarah210900 wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 4:58 am
username wrote:
Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:47 am
Undergrad Institution: Foreign (ranked 401-450)
Major(s): Computer Engineering, Mathematics
GPA: 3.7
Type of Student: International Male

GRE Revised General Test: NA
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: 830 (81%)

TOEFL Score: 102 (R29/L29/S23/W24)

Program Applying: Pure Math

Research Experience: One in commutative algebra, took a year, and resulted in a preprint. One in arithmetic statistics, over the summer, presented at a workshop. One in arithmetic geometry, for a year, barely original, mostly learning.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: High honors (expected).
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Grader for a CS course, undergrad assistant for a grad Math course.
Math Courses Taken: Usual undergrad, elliptic curves, algebraic curves, grad algebraic number theory. Audited grad AG and algebra courses, 2 each.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Couple of connections here or there. One ref did Part III and continued to PhD.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I am pretty close with my recommenders, so I expect the letters will work well with my SOP.

Applying to Where: On March 10:
Cambridge (Part III) - Accepted: February 10
Michigan -
Toronto (Ph.D.) -
UPenn -
Cornell -
Brown - Rejected
Wisconsin-Madison - Rejected
Duke -
UIUC - Waitlisted
Bristol (Ph.D.) -
Northwestern - Rejected
Michigan Stat - Waitlisted
Maryland - Accepted: February 11
Penn State -
Ohio State - Waitlisted
Boston University - Rejected
BMS (Phase I) - Rejected
University of Georgia -
Colorado State - Accepted: February 15
Dartmouth - Rejected
Emory - Rejected
Did you hear anything from ALGANT?
I applied to ALGANT as well and haven’t heard anything. Have you?
Yeh the same here. But I emailed the coordinator and they said that the results will come after two weeks. Just wait and see.
Ah, and are you from the USA?

Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:10 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by thyartismath » Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:20 pm

thyartismath wrote:
Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:10 am
Undergrad Institution:
Reputable State School
Mathematics (Pure)
Math GPA:
Grad Institution:
Same School as Undegrad
Grad Major(s):
Mathematics (Pure)
Grad GPA:
Type of Student:
Domestic, white male

GRE Revised General Test:
Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
Didn't take

Program Applying:
Mathematics (Pure)

Research Experience:
Not much of note here. I did a small poster for a senior “thesis” on chaos theory and topology during undergrad. I was starting my masters thesis on the Andrews-Curtis Conjecture, but had burnt out from academia at that point and took an “industry” job for a year at a fancy big dollar tech company. Finished my masters with a comprehensive exam when I decided to leave that job after COVID.
Graduated cum laude undegrad. Received a small scholarship from the math department a few times. Made the deans list a few times.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs:
I tutored for my undergraduate/graduate institution for several years while getting my degrees and also taught courses as part of my TA funding package when I was doing my masters. I currently teach full-time as a math instructor at a community college.
Math Courses Taken:
This would be a pretty long list, but generally I covered: discrete mathematics, set theory, logic, analysis, calculus, diff eq, linear algebra, topology, abstract algebra, algebraic geometry, probability and statistics, time series analysis. Also took some math education courses during my masters because I wanted to learn skills related to actually teaching math.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help:
I’m not a traditional applicant (at this point) for PhD programs, but I think my teaching experience is my main selling point.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
I secured three strong letters from reputable professors at my undergrad institution.

Applying to Where:
Stanford — Officially rejected 2/10/2023
UC Riverside — Unofficially rejected/waitlisted 02/28/2023
UC Irvine — Officially rejected 3/13/2023
UC San Diego — Officially rejected 3/08/2023
Final update — UCI rejection.

That is a wrap for me. 4/4 rejections. I’ll have to think about whether or not I want to endure this misery again next year lol.

Best of luck to all others!

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:09 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by OneFormula » Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:53 am

auGausst0 wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:22 pm

Hey man, your profile is very similar to mine as well as our research interests. I have to say that when I conducted my usual anxiety riddled perusing of this forum today and saw that you were accepted to Illinois Chicago, I felt genuinely excited for you!

Congratulations, that's a fantastic school and I hope our paths cross at some point!! (I'm sure they will as logic is a niche group)
Thanks very much, and I agree, hopefully we do cross paths again. And I hope you hear back some good things from your schools too!

Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:52 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by brumer_stark » Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:20 pm

Has anyone here received an offer from McGill (pure or applied) MSc? If yes, when did u receive it?

Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:52 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by brumer_stark » Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:18 pm

brumer_stark wrote:
Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:20 pm
Has anyone here received an offer from McGill (pure or applied) MSc? If yes, when did u receive it?
Mailed the graduate coordinator, he said they've completed the admission procedure.

Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:09 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Germinal » Mon Mar 20, 2023 6:57 pm

Someone heard anything from university of Arizona? I passed two interviews and then radio silence now. :?: I contacted a professor, and he told me my interviews were great, but no decision was made yet. He told me it could take up to few weeks. Looks like i got waitlisted, right?

Upd: Got officially waitlisted. So, if you received an offer, but do not plan to go please decline.

Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:03 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by madformath » Thu Mar 23, 2023 6:19 am

I received an email to check my application portal by uPenn and the decision letter was a rejection. From other communication about my waitlist status with professors, I think it might be a mistake. I was told that they would double check and get back to me.

EDIT: the rejection was a mistake and my application status was put back to "waitlist"
Last edited by madformath on Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:33 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Rough_Paths » Mon Mar 27, 2023 8:01 pm

Current Institution: Bonn (master's)
Major(s): Mathematics
Area(s): Probability and stochastic analysis
Current (Math) GPA: 1.2 in German scale; approximately 3.9 in US scale
Type of Student: Asian Male

Undergrad Institution: Top3 German University
Exchange Institution: Top 2 Chinese University (GPA not very good)
Major(s): Mathematics (rather pure, wrote a thesis in noncommutative algebra)
Minor(s): Economics
GPA: 1.2 in German scale; approximately 3.9 in US scale
Math GPA: maybe slightly better

TOEFL Score: (106 = R29/L30/S23/W24)

Program Applying: Math/Applied Math/Statistics/Math Finance (I am mostly interested in financial math but also applied to some math programs in pure stochastic analysis. But based on my written-in-3-days SOP, I do not believe any of them will accept me. :D )

Research Experience: Bachelor's Thesis (a survey-type paper, surely not published); 5 graduate-level seminars.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Never heard about them
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Tutor for 1.5 years (for Analysis I, Stochastic Processes and Markov Processes) (weekly working time: 8 hours)
Math Courses Taken: Undergraduate level courses in every area of mathematics except for discrete mathematics; (homological, commutative and noncommutative) Algebra, Classical Algebraic Geometry, Lie Algebras and their representations; Topologies (covered the Allan Hatcher book); basic and advanced courses based on Ito Calculus, Markov Processes, Convergence of MP and MCMC; Graduate seminars on group cohomology, mixing times, rough paths, regularity structures and stochastic control.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: I somehow started to prepare for the application too late (around the end of October) (Big Big MISTAKE!). Thus, I missed several interesting programs that are not in Math/Stat Department, my reference letters are relatively weak and my SOP was written in quite a hurry. In particular, I did not get reference letters from my previous bachelor's thesis supervisor or my current master's thesis supervisor (who is definitely a big name), which should be a huge huge disadvantage.

Applying to Where: (Order roughly corresponds to my preference/interest)
Michigan - AIM Pending
CMU - Mathematics Pending
GaTech - Mathematics Rejected on 3.29
UT-Austin - Mathematics Pending
UCLA - Mathematics Rejected on 2.2
UCSB - Stat & Applied Probability Admitted on 2.9
Stony Brook - Applied Math & Stat Admitted on 3.15
BU - Mathematical Finance Admitted on 2.9
Rutgers - Mathematics Rejected by inquiry
Purdue - Mathematics Rejected quite early
NCSU - Applied Math Admitted on 3.8
Utah - Mathematics Rejected quite early
FSU - Financial Math Admitted on 2.15 / declined
UConn - Mathematics Pending / will be declining
Iowa SU - Applied Math Admitted on 2.15 / declined

Being almost in April, I think my chances for schools above UCSB are relatively low since I know they have already sent out their first (several) rounds of admissions. But I do not really dare to email them for an update on my application status. I will have my fingers crossed in the next three weeks. :) Honestly, I am not quite satisfied with the results so far based on my academic background. But maybe that is just God's plan such that I can enjoy the beaches in California in the next 4-5 years. :)
Last edited by Rough_Paths on Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2023 8:36 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by mathwarrior1999 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:36 pm

mathwarrior1999 wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:17 pm
Undergrad: Small but good liberal arts in the Midwest
Major(s): Mathematics and History
Cumulative GPA: 3.66
Math GPA: 3.3 (Solid but could be better)
History GPA: 4.0
Upper Division Math GPA: 3.57

Helpful facts: I have taken every pure math class offered by my university and I have strong letters of rec from 4 faculty who all know me well, like me, and who I have known for years.

Research/Interests: I did a small research project on Arms Race Modeling in my Differential Equations class and I have two summers of history research and have presented my history findings at a university-run research symposium. I am really interested in finding intersections between seemingly unrelated fields such as mathematics and history. That is something I want to do in future research.

I am trying to start with a funded or unfunded master's that I plan on doing well in so that I can get into a solid PhD program later on.

Applications (All Master's programs):

University of Memphis (Applied Math): Accepted on 12/13/2022 :D (Super cool people in the department including some famous math profs. My first acceptance and a huge relief) All you need is one acceptance in order for it to be a success!

Montana State University (Pure Math): Applied in November of 2022, Rejected on 2/10/2023 (Kind of saw it coming as people were posting decisions on GradCafe before I got anything, however, I was still surprised as two of my letter of recs got their PhD's in the program.) :(

University of Hawaii at Manoa (Pure Math): Applied on 12/13/2022, Never heard back from this program. I assume that they either waitlisted or rejected me. Not sure what happened here.

San Diego State University (Pure Math): Accepted on 03/28/2023 Really like this department and the research they are doing!

If anyone knows anything about UH Manoa feel free to DM me. I would greatly appreciate it!

Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2023 8:36 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by mathwarrior1999 » Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:12 pm

mathwarrior1999 wrote:
Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:36 pm
mathwarrior1999 wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:17 pm
Undergrad: Small but good liberal arts in the Midwest
Major(s): Mathematics and History
Cumulative GPA: 3.66
Math GPA: 3.3 (Solid but could be better)
History GPA: 4.0
Upper Division Math GPA: 3.57

Helpful facts: I have taken every pure math class offered by my university and I have strong letters of rec from 4 faculty who all know me well, like me, and who I have known for years.

Research/Interests: I did a small research project on Arms Race Modeling in my Differential Equations class and I have two summers of history research and have presented my history findings at a university-run research symposium. I am really interested in finding intersections between seemingly unrelated fields such as mathematics and history. That is something I want to do in future research.

I am trying to start with a funded or unfunded master's that I plan on doing well in so that I can get into a solid PhD program later on.

Applications (All Master's programs):

University of Memphis (Applied Math): Accepted on 12/13/2022 :D (Super cool people in the department including some famous math profs. My first acceptance and a huge relief) All you need is one acceptance in order for it to be a success!

Montana State University (Pure Math): Applied in November of 2022, Rejected on 2/10/2023 (Kind of saw it coming as people were posting decisions on GradCafe before I got anything, however, I was still surprised as two of my letter of recs got their PhD's in the program.) :(

University of Hawaii at Manoa (Pure Math): Applied on 12/13/2022, Never heard back from this program. I assume that they either waitlisted or rejected me. Not sure what happened here.

San Diego State University (Pure Math): Accepted on 03/28/2023 Really like this department and the research they are doing!

If anyone knows anything about UH Manoa feel free to DM me. I would greatly appreciate it!

Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2023 8:36 pm

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by mathwarrior1999 » Fri Mar 31, 2023 7:57 pm

mathwarrior1999 wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:12 pm
mathwarrior1999 wrote:
Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:36 pm
mathwarrior1999 wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:17 pm
Undergrad: Small but good liberal arts in the Midwest
Major(s): Mathematics and History
Cumulative GPA: 3.66
Math GPA: 3.3 (Solid but could be better)
History GPA: 4.0
Upper Division Math GPA: 3.57

Helpful facts: I have taken every pure math class offered by my university and I have strong letters of rec from 4 faculty who all know me well, like me, and who I have known for years.

Research/Interests: I did a small research project on Arms Race Modeling in my Differential Equations class and I have two summers of history research and have presented my history findings at a university-run research symposium. I am really interested in finding intersections between seemingly unrelated fields such as mathematics and history. That is something I want to do in future research.

I am trying to start with a funded or unfunded master's that I plan on doing well in so that I can get into a solid PhD program later on.

Applications (All Master's programs):

University of Memphis (Applied Math) (Unfunded): Accepted on 12/13/2022 :D Declined on 4/13/2023 (Super cool people in the department including some famous math profs. My first acceptance and a huge relief) All you need is one acceptance in order for it to be a success!

Montana State University (Pure Math): Applied in November of 2022, Rejected on 2/10/2023 (Kind of saw it coming as people were posting decisions on GradCafe before I got anything, however, I was still surprised as two of my letter of recs got their PhD's in the program.) :(

University of Hawaii at Manoa (Pure Math): Applied on 12/13/2022, Never heard back from this program (It's okay though, the application was free). I assume that they either waitlisted or rejected me. Not sure what happened here :?. I don't plan on following up with this department.

San Diego State University (Pure Math) (Possibly some funding): Accepted on 03/28/2023 Offer accepted on 4/14/2023 :D Really like this department and the research they are doing!

If anyone knows anything about UH Manoa feel free to DM me. I would greatly appreciate it!
Last edited by mathwarrior1999 on Fri Apr 14, 2023 11:57 am, edited 6 times in total.

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2022 10:08 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by cookies » Tue Apr 04, 2023 1:23 pm

Undergrad Institution: Ivy
Major(s): Math
GPA: 3.971
Math GPA: 4.000
Type of Student: Domestic white male

GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 166 (84%)
V: 159 (81%)
W: 4.5 (79%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 780 (72%) (I suck at test taking so the math gre was rough for me)


Program Applying: Pure Math

Research Interests: Complex geometry, index theory, mathematical physics, lattices, banach space theory, geometric analysis
Research Experience: Reading course sophomore year, senior thesis, and 2 REUs at top 15 math schools
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Named math scholarship
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: TA/grader for two intro math courses
Math Courses Taken: UGL: Linear algebra, real and complex analysis, topology, geometry. GL: Differential geometry, riemannian geometry, PDEs, complex analysis, abstract algebra, index theory, teichmüller theory, lattice-based cryptography and algorithms
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: One famous letter writer
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: One writer had issues uploading their documents and was marked incomplete or under a different name on a few of my applications

Applying to Where: By US News ranking (all programs are for pure math PhDs)
MIT - Rejected (2-21)
Stanford - Rejected (2-10)
UC Berkeley - Rejected (2-13)
UChicagol - Rejected (1-13)
Columbia - Rejected (2-20)
NYU - Rejected (3-6) :(
UMich - Rejected (3-17) :(
Yale -Rejected (1-20)
Duke - Rejected (3-17)
Johns Hopkins - Rejected (2-8)
UCSD - Rejected (3-25)
UIUC - Rejected (3-16)
Rutgers - Admitted (2-6) / Accepted
Stony Brook - Rejected (3-2)
IU Bloomington - Withdrew (4-3)
Texas A&M - Admitted (2-15) / Declined
UC Irvine - Admitted (2-16) / Declined
UC Santa Barbara - Admitted (2-16) / Declined
Notre Dame -Rejected (3-27)

Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:03 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by madformath » Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:54 am

If any of you got an admitted to JHU and/or Penn or got put on their waitlist, and if you know that you won't attend, please decline your offer/withdraw from the waitlist. It could change someone's life (my life, I am talking about myself here).

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:40 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by ohgumbus » Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:25 am

Undergrad Institution: Mid-Sized Liberal Arts University
Major(s): Pure Mathematics
Minor(s): Women & Gender Studies
GPA: 3.77
Math GPA: 3.80
Type of Student: DWM

GRE Revised General Test: N/A

GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: I don't wanna talk about it...

Program Applying: Pure Mathematics Ph.D.'s

Research Experience: No research experience, professors were kinda stingy with projects.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List every semester I guess?
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Tutored and graded for the math department for my 3rd and 4th years consistently. I also have my own freelance tutoring business that I have run for approx. 3 years now. I also was accepted as a counselor for the Ross Mathematics Program that teaches number theory to highly gifted high school math students in the summer between my 3rd and 4th year at university.
Math Courses Taken: Real & Complex Analysis, Topology Independent Study, Abstract Algebra, Commutative Algebra Independent Study, Differential Geometry, Audited a course for Algebraic Geometry at a nearby graduate school.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: I scored some points on both the 82nd and 83rd annual Putnam exams which was pretty neat.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I founded the Mathematics Society for my university and frequently gave lectures to fellow undergraduates for the math department about a variety of topics. I also founded the first official Putnam team for my university and was the leader for study sessions, meeting times, etc.

Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
CUNY Graduate Center - Mathematics Ph.D./ Admitted! (04/10) / Accepted w/ $27k stipend (04/10)!!!
University of Virginia - Mathematics Ph.D. / Rejected (03/09)
Stony Brook University - Mathematics Ph.D. / Rejected (03/07)
Rutgers University - Mathematics Ph.D. / Rejected (03/03)
University of Massachusetts Amherst - Mathematics Ph.D. / Waitlisted (03/31) / Withdrawn (04/10)

Note: idk mane, I am pretty happy cuz CUNY was my favorite school so hooray! good luck to anyone still on the waitlist rn, I hope the best for you <3

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:00 am

Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Post by Fourier_Series » Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:16 am

Hey, If you have an offer or waitlist from Minnesota, Purdue, Carnegie Mellon, or UNC Chapel Hill and you are not planning to attend please please decline your offers. Now that there are only two days I am literally running out of time. :( :( :(

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