Do schools usually pay travel expenses for admitted students visiting the campus? I got in two schools so far (Washington U - St Louis and U Pittsburgh) but neither has invited me to visit the campus or informed me of any Prospective Students day or anything like that.
I really want to visit the schools before I make a decision, but I obviously don't want to straight up ask for money to get there (I reside near Boston momentarily). What should I do? Also would you recommend visiting the schools even if I end up spending some money?
Visiting Schools
Re: Visiting Schools
I'm not sure in general, but my three admissions (UNC, NC State, and Maryland's AMSC) have all invited me to visiting weekends and will pay for travel/housing/etc, and I've also been invited to a visiting weekend for Virginia Tech only for only some applicants (seems like a good sign? ) so it makes me think that most schools do it.
I wouldn't worry about it yet though. I've only just heard recently about them after having been accepted a few weeks ago. Or some schools just might not do it.
I wouldn't worry about it yet though. I've only just heard recently about them after having been accepted a few weeks ago. Or some schools just might not do it.
Re: Visiting Schools
Just write the grad chair or his/her assistant. They will probably grant your request especially if you drop a hint that you are visiting other schools.
Re: Visiting Schools
I know at least one program that does not have a prospective student's day, and another program that does not ordinarily pay for visits. If you do want to make arrangements for a visit, I'd just email the graduate chair. If they have money lying around for student visits they'll let you know, and else it's on you.
Yes!!!!Also would you recommend visiting the schools even if I end up spending some money?
Re: Visiting Schools
Agreed. 5-6 years is a long time to be anywhere and I'd make sure that I would be completely happy with where I will be living/socializing/possibly working in the near future. If you are heavily considering somewhere, definitely visit. Things that could matter are stuff like public transportation, weather, campus life, safety, the feel of the city/town, demographics, etc...
Re: Visiting Schools
Even more importantly, the atmosphere in the department. Do people work together or does everyone do their own thing? Are the professors in your field good advisers? (Are they friendly? Happy to talk to students? Helpful?)sparkplug wrote:Things that could matter are stuff like public transportation, weather, campus life, safety, the feel of the city/town, demographics, etc...
Or basic information like: how many years of funding are guaranteed? What's the typical teaching load? What's the typical time until graduation, and what percentage of first-years finish the program? What jobs do their graduates get?
Re: Visiting Schools
Also meet some current grad students, who may be more truthful or more revealing than the department regarding flaws.