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Choice of minor -- does it matter?
Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:51 am
by yoyostein
Hi, for a prospective graduate student in mathematics, does the choice of minor (for undergraduate) matter?
Are there any preferable minor combinations with mathematics major, or is any minor or even no minor acceptable?
Re: Choice of minor -- does it matter?
Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:10 pm
by mhancock743
Of course it does. It depends on what you plan on going into - I'll be going into applied/computational in the fall, and my CS minor will no doubt be a benefit ( I assume ). However, I believe that people of all fields would also benefit from a hearty dose of CS / programming.
Unless you plan on going pure math, you should try to minor in the field which your intended area of graduate study slants towards ( bio, physics, cs, chem... ). I'm not sure what a pure math person would minor in if anything. philosophy?
Of course there's always underwater-basket-weaving to consider as well.