When did u hear from Oregon? And with Pitt did u ever receive an update past the GradCAS website? Like a link to a portal or smtg?xbq22 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:54 pmI think last Thursday I heard from pitt, u of o, and my Cambridge portal opened.inaicecream wrote: ↑Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:44 pmWhen did you hear from Pitt?xbq22 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 13, 2023 5:48 pmI have held out on doing this for so long but I think it's time to write up my own thingy here.
Undergrad Institution: Well known, not ivy, not amazing for math research but not bad either (though my advisor has told me that he knows of no one who has gotten into a T10 program from this institution in the last 15 years). Known for grade deflation
Majors: Double majored in math and physics
GPA: 3.83
Math GPA: 4.0
Type of student Domestic White Male
GRE Did not take
Program Applying: Pure Math, mainly focused on geometry and mathematical physics
Research Experience: Two research projects in physics, no publications, writing an honours thesis on the geometry of gauge theory that is essentially a textbook (currently sits at 180 pages)
Math Courses Taken: Multi, Odes, Linear Algebra I and II, Differential Geometry of curves and surfaces, discrete maths, Real Analysis I/II.
Graduate Courses Taken: Grad QM I and II, Grad EM, Quantum Field Theory I and II, Mathematical Physics, Differential topology I and II, Graduate Algebra I and II, Topics in Geometry (I suspect my lack of a complex analysis course, and my heavier slant towards physics is hurting me mildly here)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: 2 of my letters of recommendation should be very strong, another two should be good. I have given talks on gauge theory, and Yang-Mills theory in both the physics and math departments as well.
Applying to where: (in no particular order)
Harvard: Rejected
Caltech: Rejected
UCLA: Rejected
Duke:No interview (yet at least)
UPenn:No Open House Invite
Oxford:No interview (yet at least)
UC Berkely:
Stanford: Rejected
Stony Brook:
UT Austin:
Oregon State
University of OregonAccepted!
NC StateAccepted!
Cambridge Part ThreeAwaiting approval by PAO (I have been told that this is a good thing so we shall see at least).
2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
I heard from oregon same time as Pitt pretty much. My email was sent to my spam so maybe check that.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
uhoh.spaghettio wrote: ↑Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:34 ammacmath7 wrote: ↑Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:24 pmUndergrad Institution: Small Catholic Liberal Arts School
Major(s): Mathematics and Computer Science
Minor(s): Italian
GPA: 3.82/4.00
Math GPA:
Type of Student: White Domestic Female (Domestic/International (Country?), Male/Female?, Minority?)
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: xxx (xx%)
V: xxx (xx%)
W: x.x (xx%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: xxx (xx%)
TOEFL Score: (xx = Rxx/Lxx/Sxx/Wxx) (if applicable)
Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: Participated in an REU between my sophomore and junior year, did not result in a paper or publication, however my work is being used in further research. Also did research with a professor at my university on group structure on elliptic curves
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Member and officer of Upsilon Pi Epsilon, received one of the highest degree scholarships from my school. Dean's list every semester except my first (college started off tough).
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Have tutored since sophomore year of high school and works as a tutor for all math classes at my institution in multiple places at the school.
Math Courses Taken: Calc 1, Calc 2, Calc 3, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra 1, Abstract Algebra 2, Complex Analysis, Geometric Algebra, Differential Geometry, Applied Math, Proof writing course, as well as other independent study classes.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: I'm a woman so hopefully that will help me a bit.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I didn't get great grades in a few of my classes due to some extenuating circumstances. Some of that is going to be addressed in my applications.
Applying to Where:
any news from tufts, brandeis, umass?
Absolute radio silence. Makes me really nervous since I know people have gotten into tufts and umass
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Berkeley rejection just received

- Posts: 27
- Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:24 pm
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: Large public US
Major(s): Math & Spanish double major
Minor(s): n/a
GPA: 3.97/4.0 when I submitted to schools with *, 4.0/4.0 when submitted to schools without
Type of Student: domestic white female
GRE Revised General Test: used the free score reports for a few schools before I knew no one was requiring it
Q: 164
V: 159
W: 4.5
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: didn't take
Program Applying: pure math
Research Experience: summer REU during COVID, 2 semesters of independent research with a professor at my university. no publications but the REU results may be used for future research
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: several small-medium scholarships from my university and local. dean's list every semester. member of the university scholars program, math honors program, and treasurer of Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish national honor society)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: grader for 400 level probability class for 2 semesters, TA & grader for calc I/II for 3 semesters
Math Courses Taken: calc I-III, diffe, PDEs, graduate PDEs, graduate linear algebra, graduate complex analysis, graduate linear programming, real analysis I & II, reading course
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: hopefully being a woman helps. My research advisor is friends with one of the students of my POI at VA Tech which could be a good connection. I've worked a summer TA job at Duke at a summer camp for high school girls in math and I attended a conference there that was acceptance by application only, so I hopefully have a connection there. idk :/
Applying to Where: (in order of application deadline)
Duke* - Rejected 3/17
Princeton* - Rejected 2/3
Georgia Tech* - Rejected 1/27
U Michigan - Rejected 3/17
VA Tech - invited to visitor's day 1/27, unofficially accepted 2/24, officially accepted 2/27 AND ATTENDING

UVA - waitlisted 3/6, withdrew application 3/27
NC State - accepted 3/1
Major(s): Math & Spanish double major
Minor(s): n/a
GPA: 3.97/4.0 when I submitted to schools with *, 4.0/4.0 when submitted to schools without
Type of Student: domestic white female
GRE Revised General Test: used the free score reports for a few schools before I knew no one was requiring it

Q: 164
V: 159
W: 4.5
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: didn't take
Program Applying: pure math
Research Experience: summer REU during COVID, 2 semesters of independent research with a professor at my university. no publications but the REU results may be used for future research
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: several small-medium scholarships from my university and local. dean's list every semester. member of the university scholars program, math honors program, and treasurer of Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish national honor society)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: grader for 400 level probability class for 2 semesters, TA & grader for calc I/II for 3 semesters
Math Courses Taken: calc I-III, diffe, PDEs, graduate PDEs, graduate linear algebra, graduate complex analysis, graduate linear programming, real analysis I & II, reading course
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: hopefully being a woman helps. My research advisor is friends with one of the students of my POI at VA Tech which could be a good connection. I've worked a summer TA job at Duke at a summer camp for high school girls in math and I attended a conference there that was acceptance by application only, so I hopefully have a connection there. idk :/
Applying to Where: (in order of application deadline)
Duke* - Rejected 3/17
Princeton* - Rejected 2/3
Georgia Tech* - Rejected 1/27
U Michigan - Rejected 3/17
VA Tech - invited to visitor's day 1/27, unofficially accepted 2/24, officially accepted 2/27 AND ATTENDING

UVA - waitlisted 3/6, withdrew application 3/27
NC State - accepted 3/1

Last edited by spicyguava on Mon Mar 27, 2023 12:59 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Does anyone know the Rutgers University Newark?
I wish I can learn some complex differential geometry, I never heard this school before, so how about the geometry group in Newark?And how about the funding/TA ship in there?
Thanks for sharing.
I wish I can learn some complex differential geometry, I never heard this school before, so how about the geometry group in Newark?And how about the funding/TA ship in there?
Thanks for sharing.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: Top 5 in China
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): None
GPA: 3.7/4
Math GPA: 3.9/4
Type of Student: International asian male
GRE Revised General Test: Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Didn't take
TOEFL Score: 102 = R26/L26/S23/W27
Program Applying: Pure Math (Harmonic Analysis and PDE)
Research Experience: An expository bachelor thesis on Kakeya problem; a reading seminar on Navier-Stokes equations
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Honorable mention in Yau Contest
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: None
Math Courses Taken: calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, point-set topology, ODE, PDE, functional analysis, differential manifolds, Riemannian geometry, complex analysis, graduate real analysis, graduate advanced probability theory, graduate analytic number theory
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: I've done lots of readings in analysis by myself and I included these experiences in my statement.
Applying to Where: (All programs are PhD in pure mathematics)
UC Berkeley Rejected 2/13
UCLA Rejected 2/1
Duke No interview
Northwestern Rejected 1/26
UW Madison Rejected 2/20
JHU Rejected 2/8
UPenn Invited to open house 1/10; Informal admission email 2/7; Formal admission 2/14 (Attend!)
Brown Rejected 2/9
UIUC Withdrawn 2/16
UNC Chapel Hill No invitation to graduate student weekend; Withdrawn 2/15
WUSTL Withdrawn 2/15
Rochester Withdrawn 2/15
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): None
GPA: 3.7/4
Math GPA: 3.9/4
Type of Student: International asian male
GRE Revised General Test: Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Didn't take
TOEFL Score: 102 = R26/L26/S23/W27
Program Applying: Pure Math (Harmonic Analysis and PDE)
Research Experience: An expository bachelor thesis on Kakeya problem; a reading seminar on Navier-Stokes equations
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Honorable mention in Yau Contest
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: None
Math Courses Taken: calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, point-set topology, ODE, PDE, functional analysis, differential manifolds, Riemannian geometry, complex analysis, graduate real analysis, graduate advanced probability theory, graduate analytic number theory
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: I've done lots of readings in analysis by myself and I included these experiences in my statement.
Applying to Where: (All programs are PhD in pure mathematics)
UC Berkeley Rejected 2/13
UCLA Rejected 2/1
Duke No interview
Northwestern Rejected 1/26
UW Madison Rejected 2/20
JHU Rejected 2/8
UPenn Invited to open house 1/10; Informal admission email 2/7; Formal admission 2/14 (Attend!)
Brown Rejected 2/9
UIUC Withdrawn 2/16
UNC Chapel Hill No invitation to graduate student weekend; Withdrawn 2/15
WUSTL Withdrawn 2/15
Rochester Withdrawn 2/15
Last edited by kkk23 on Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:23 am, edited 11 times in total.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
How did you hear from Toronto? Are you a domestic student?DOCTORFM wrote: ↑Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:27 pmUndergraduate: Top 5 Canadian University
GPA : 3.9/4.0
Masters: Same institution
GPA : 4.0/4.0
Program Applying: Pure Mathematics
Research Experience: One solo publication done during my undergraduate. A joint paper with my supervisor will soon be submitted to the arxiv, and a couple more solo papers are being prepared for submission to the arxiv.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: A few dozen scholarships/awards at the department, university, and national levels.
Applying to Where:
M.I.T. - Accepted Feb. 3rd
Princeton - Rejected Feb. 3rd
Rutgers - Accepted Feb. 10th Declined Offer Feb.10th
Cambridge - Submitted Dec. 15th
Oxford - Invited to interview Jan. 23rd, attended on Feb. 1st
University of Toronto - Accepted Feb. 14th
McGill University - Submitted Dec. 15th
Current University - Withdrawn Feb. 10th
Good luck everybody.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Has anyone heard from University of Georgia pure math? What about Ohio State's second round?
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Last edited by DOCTORFM on Tue May 30, 2023 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:19 pm
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
macmath7 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 13, 2023 9:54 pmuhoh.spaghettio wrote: ↑Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:34 ammacmath7 wrote: ↑Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:24 pmUndergrad Institution: Small Catholic Liberal Arts School
Major(s): Mathematics and Computer Science
Minor(s): Italian
GPA: 3.82/4.00
Math GPA:
Type of Student: White Domestic Female (Domestic/International (Country?), Male/Female?, Minority?)
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: xxx (xx%)
V: xxx (xx%)
W: x.x (xx%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: xxx (xx%)
TOEFL Score: (xx = Rxx/Lxx/Sxx/Wxx) (if applicable)
Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: Participated in an REU between my sophomore and junior year, did not result in a paper or publication, however my work is being used in further research. Also did research with a professor at my university on group structure on elliptic curves
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Member and officer of Upsilon Pi Epsilon, received one of the highest degree scholarships from my school. Dean's list every semester except my first (college started off tough).
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Have tutored since sophomore year of high school and works as a tutor for all math classes at my institution in multiple places at the school.
Math Courses Taken: Calc 1, Calc 2, Calc 3, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra 1, Abstract Algebra 2, Complex Analysis, Geometric Algebra, Differential Geometry, Applied Math, Proof writing course, as well as other independent study classes.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: I'm a woman so hopefully that will help me a bit.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I didn't get great grades in a few of my classes due to some extenuating circumstances. Some of that is going to be addressed in my applications.
Applying to Where:
any news from tufts, brandeis, umass?
Absolute radio silence. Makes me really nervous since I know people have gotten into tufts and umass
Screaming. Crying. Throwing up. Losing my mind. (I am in immense pain)
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Just saw on GradCafe a rejection from Tufts. Anybody else hear anything?uhoh.spaghettio wrote: ↑Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:35 pmScreaming. Crying. Throwing up. Losing my mind. (I am in immense pain)
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
rejection from utah
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:19 am
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Is U Minnesota - Twin Cities a good department? For which fields
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:23 pm
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
I saw MIT acceptance for pure math on gradcafe. Anyone else got a decision? does this mean the rest of us are rejected? 

- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:19 pm
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
I'd say no concern only because there's literally ONLY ONE and MIT seems to send out all their rejections at once a week after, so I'm putting $$$ on that one admission being a special circumstance of some sortarithmeticgeometry wrote: ↑Thu Feb 16, 2023 6:30 pmI saw MIT acceptance for pure math on gradcafe. Anyone else got a decision? does this mean the rest of us are rejected?![]()
it looks like every school is getting back rather late anyway so who knows tbh
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:43 pm
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: Relatively small college from India
Major(s): Mathematics Honours
GPA: 82%
Postgrad Institute: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
GPA: 78% (quite low grades compared to my own standards, main reason why I didn't apply abroad after getting my degree)
2nd Postgrad Institute: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Type of Student: Indian Male
GRE Revised General Test: Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Didn't take
TOEFL Score: 110
Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: Tried working on extending results on "counting maximal degree subbundles of a vector bundle" which was original work by one of my recommenders.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: National Board of Higher Mathematics Fellowship, Junior Research Felowship, stellar track record in clearing almost all significant entrance exams for graduate admissions in India
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: None
Math Courses Taken: PhD 1st year level coursework at TIFR Mumbai (most advanced coursework offered in India). Several advanced courses including Algebraic Geometry and Complex Geometry, Reading course on Higgs bundles, moduli spaces of vector bundles, Gromov-Witten invariants etc.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Main recommender is considered as one of the important figures in vector bundles and moduli spaces.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I was already part of a PhD program but still applied 2+ years after getting my last degree (my PhD program would not give me any degree since I am essentially dropping out).
Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
School - Chicago rejected (had my hopes high after a zoom call with potential advisor, rejection is depressing)
School - Washington accepted! (most likely will join)
School - Notre Dame accepted first unofficially, then officially (fantastic pre-official acceptance chat with potential advisor)
School - Oregon accepted (fantastic post-official acceptance chat with potential advisor)
School - Pittsburgh accepted (intend to decline)
School - UIC was emailed by director of grad studies, didn't receive follow-up yet
School - Wisconsin Madison rejected
School - Toronto ghosted me since about November, didn't get any replies to any mails concerning application process etc.
School - Maryland
School - Boston University
School - UT Austin
School - Stony Brook
Ending comments : 1. Turns out most USA Universities do not care if you are applying a few years after getting your last official degree. Such is not the case in my country sadly.
2. I applied to Universities ONLY after emailing potential advisors and getting replies from them. Such is the case for the above list except UT Austin where I applied simply because I wanted to.
Major(s): Mathematics Honours
GPA: 82%
Postgrad Institute: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
GPA: 78% (quite low grades compared to my own standards, main reason why I didn't apply abroad after getting my degree)
2nd Postgrad Institute: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Type of Student: Indian Male
GRE Revised General Test: Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Didn't take
TOEFL Score: 110
Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: Tried working on extending results on "counting maximal degree subbundles of a vector bundle" which was original work by one of my recommenders.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: National Board of Higher Mathematics Fellowship, Junior Research Felowship, stellar track record in clearing almost all significant entrance exams for graduate admissions in India
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: None
Math Courses Taken: PhD 1st year level coursework at TIFR Mumbai (most advanced coursework offered in India). Several advanced courses including Algebraic Geometry and Complex Geometry, Reading course on Higgs bundles, moduli spaces of vector bundles, Gromov-Witten invariants etc.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Main recommender is considered as one of the important figures in vector bundles and moduli spaces.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I was already part of a PhD program but still applied 2+ years after getting my last degree (my PhD program would not give me any degree since I am essentially dropping out).
Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
School - Chicago rejected (had my hopes high after a zoom call with potential advisor, rejection is depressing)
School - Washington accepted! (most likely will join)
School - Notre Dame accepted first unofficially, then officially (fantastic pre-official acceptance chat with potential advisor)
School - Oregon accepted (fantastic post-official acceptance chat with potential advisor)
School - Pittsburgh accepted (intend to decline)
School - UIC was emailed by director of grad studies, didn't receive follow-up yet
School - Wisconsin Madison rejected
School - Toronto ghosted me since about November, didn't get any replies to any mails concerning application process etc.

School - Maryland
School - Boston University
School - UT Austin
School - Stony Brook
Ending comments : 1. Turns out most USA Universities do not care if you are applying a few years after getting your last official degree. Such is not the case in my country sadly.
2. I applied to Universities ONLY after emailing potential advisors and getting replies from them. Such is the case for the above list except UT Austin where I applied simply because I wanted to.
Last edited by Isthisacamera on Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:03 am
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: a top 3 German university for mathematics
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): Computer Science
GPA: 1.2 in German grading system (would be ~3.8 in US system)
Math GPA: 1.2
Type of Student: International (Germany)
Current Graduate Institution: same as undergrad, Masters program in Mathematics, set to graduate by August.
GPA: 1.0 in German grading system (perfect GPA)
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 169 (93%)
V: 165 (95%)
W: 4.0 (54%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: did not take as it was not offered anywhere near me.
TOEFL Score: 117 = R30/L30/S29/W28
Program Applying: Pure Mathematics
Research Experience: bachelor thesis in the style of a survey paper, one semester as part of student research group, and recently being a research assistant in my universities machine learning research group (in the CS department, not the math department). no publications.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: award for an outstanding bachelor's degree in mathematics from the mathematical society [state I am from], I had the best GPA of my graduating class in the mathematics program.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: four semesters as a teaching assistant for Real Analysis, one semester as a research assistant for Machine Learning. I also volunteer in a mathematical outreach organization.
Math Courses Taken: Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Real Analysis, Functional Analysis, Complex Analysis, Riemannian Geometry, Galois Theory, Commutative Algebra, Real Algebra, Algebraic Topology, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Integrable Systems
Applying to Where:
Princeton University - Rejected 2/3
University of Pennsylvania - Invited to open house 1/10 Waitlisted 2/20 after email inquiry Rejected 4/6 by email
Johns Hopkins University - Waitlisted 2/3 Rejected 4/7 by email
Dartmouth College - Admitted 1/27 ATTENDING
Boston University - Rejected 2/23 after email inquiry
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): Computer Science
GPA: 1.2 in German grading system (would be ~3.8 in US system)
Math GPA: 1.2
Type of Student: International (Germany)
Current Graduate Institution: same as undergrad, Masters program in Mathematics, set to graduate by August.
GPA: 1.0 in German grading system (perfect GPA)
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 169 (93%)
V: 165 (95%)
W: 4.0 (54%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: did not take as it was not offered anywhere near me.
TOEFL Score: 117 = R30/L30/S29/W28
Program Applying: Pure Mathematics
Research Experience: bachelor thesis in the style of a survey paper, one semester as part of student research group, and recently being a research assistant in my universities machine learning research group (in the CS department, not the math department). no publications.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: award for an outstanding bachelor's degree in mathematics from the mathematical society [state I am from], I had the best GPA of my graduating class in the mathematics program.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: four semesters as a teaching assistant for Real Analysis, one semester as a research assistant for Machine Learning. I also volunteer in a mathematical outreach organization.
Math Courses Taken: Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Real Analysis, Functional Analysis, Complex Analysis, Riemannian Geometry, Galois Theory, Commutative Algebra, Real Algebra, Algebraic Topology, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Integrable Systems
Applying to Where:
Princeton University - Rejected 2/3
University of Pennsylvania - Invited to open house 1/10 Waitlisted 2/20 after email inquiry Rejected 4/6 by email
Johns Hopkins University - Waitlisted 2/3 Rejected 4/7 by email
Dartmouth College - Admitted 1/27 ATTENDING

Boston University - Rejected 2/23 after email inquiry
Last edited by madformath on Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:36 am, edited 4 times in total.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: Foreign ranked 401-450
Math GPA:3.7
Type of Student:International Male
Grad Institution :Same
GRE Revised General Test:Taken but I think it is not important.
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 810 (76%)
TOEFL Score: 101
Program Applying:(Ph.D in Algebra/Topology)
Research Experience: Project on Divisor Theory, mostly learning, a summer project on Representation Theory of Lie groups, mostly learning, currently working on Functorial Representation Theory and probably an original work will be published.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Highest honor award.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: TA for 4 courses, Calc I(for math students and for other departments), Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra
Math Courses Taken: Standard undergraduate course program(Analysis and Algebra course sequence),Topology,Functional Analysis,Elliptic Curves,Grad Algebra sequence,Measure Theory,Computational Algebraic Geometry,Representation Theory(character theory and functorial),Category Theory,ANT,AG,Commutative Algebra, NT
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help:Pretty close with my recommenders.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
Washington - Ph.D in Pure Math / Rejected
University of Virginia -Ph.D in Pure Math /
University of Minnesota - Ph.D in Pure Math / Rejected
Texas A&M - Ph.D in Pure Math /
Indiana University - Ph.D in Pure Math / Accepted
Stony Brook - Ph.D in Pure Math / Rejected
UC Santa Cruz - Ph.D in Pure Math /
University of Missouri - Ph.D in Pure Math/
I am happy to get an offer from Indiana which is one of my top choices. I receive no feedback from any other universities I am applying. Everything goes pretty usual including the generic Washington rejection.
Math GPA:3.7
Type of Student:International Male
Grad Institution :Same
GRE Revised General Test:Taken but I think it is not important.
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 810 (76%)
TOEFL Score: 101
Program Applying:(Ph.D in Algebra/Topology)
Research Experience: Project on Divisor Theory, mostly learning, a summer project on Representation Theory of Lie groups, mostly learning, currently working on Functorial Representation Theory and probably an original work will be published.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Highest honor award.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: TA for 4 courses, Calc I(for math students and for other departments), Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra
Math Courses Taken: Standard undergraduate course program(Analysis and Algebra course sequence),Topology,Functional Analysis,Elliptic Curves,Grad Algebra sequence,Measure Theory,Computational Algebraic Geometry,Representation Theory(character theory and functorial),Category Theory,ANT,AG,Commutative Algebra, NT
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help:Pretty close with my recommenders.
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
Washington - Ph.D in Pure Math / Rejected
University of Virginia -Ph.D in Pure Math /
University of Minnesota - Ph.D in Pure Math / Rejected
Texas A&M - Ph.D in Pure Math /
Indiana University - Ph.D in Pure Math / Accepted
Stony Brook - Ph.D in Pure Math / Rejected
UC Santa Cruz - Ph.D in Pure Math /
University of Missouri - Ph.D in Pure Math/
I am happy to get an offer from Indiana which is one of my top choices. I receive no feedback from any other universities I am applying. Everything goes pretty usual including the generic Washington rejection.
Last edited by Biset on Thu Mar 02, 2023 5:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
How did you know of the waitlist from Cornell?Kaleiss wrote: ↑Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:58 pmUndergrad Institution: Large Public good for math
Major(s): Mathematics
GPA: 3.89/4
Major(s): Math
Type of Student: International Male
GREs: Didn't take
Program Applying: Pure Mathematics with an interest in algebraic geometry, especially in enumerative geometry and derived cat of varieties.
Research Experience: Three direct readings in advanced topics. No REU (rejected by all I applied). Self-motivated research in algebraic geometry resulted in two in-preparation papers (submit an almost complete one).
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: One scholarship.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Course Assistant for abstract algebra x 2, Peer Mentor in low level courses x 3, Grader in algebraic topology.
Important Courses Taken: 11 Grad courses before graduation.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Emailed 3 professors and received 2 responses like "recommended you to our committee." My advisor introduced me to several his collegues. At least two very strong letters
Applying to Where:
MIT - Math PhD / Waitlisted (Formally) 2/13 Take some hopium bro...
UCB - Math PhD / Rejected 2/13
Princeton - Math PhD/ Rejected 2/3
UChicago - Math PhD/ Rejected 1/13
Caltech - Math PhD / Admitted 1/31
Umich - Math PhD / Invited to Interview 2/1
Brown - Math PhD / Waitlisted (Formally) 2/7
Cornell - Math PhD / Essentially Waitlisted
Northwestern - Math PhD / Admitted 2/14
Duke - Math PhD / Invited to Interview 1/12 - Waitlisted (Formally) 2/9 - Withdrawn 2/16
Safety & Plan to Withdrawn: Although I withdrew most of my "safeties", I guess I am rejected/waitlisted by all of them. I don't know if there exist things like "over-qualification", but this shows there is no actual safety schools in Ph.D application.
Madison - Math PhD Rejected Informally 2/14
UCSD - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/15
UIUC - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/1
UMN - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/1
JHU - Math PhD Rejected 2/8![]()
USC - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/1
Purdue - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/15
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
I emailed them, and they said they would make more offer in April.chip wrote: ↑Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:24 amHow did you know of the waitlist from Cornell?Kaleiss wrote: ↑Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:58 pmUndergrad Institution: Large Public good for math
Major(s): Mathematics
GPA: 3.89/4
Major(s): Math
Type of Student: International Male
GREs: Didn't take
Program Applying: Pure Mathematics with an interest in algebraic geometry, especially in enumerative geometry and derived cat of varieties.
Research Experience: Three direct readings in advanced topics. No REU (rejected by all I applied). Self-motivated research in algebraic geometry resulted in two in-preparation papers (submit an almost complete one).
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: One scholarship.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Course Assistant for abstract algebra x 2, Peer Mentor in low level courses x 3, Grader in algebraic topology.
Important Courses Taken: 11 Grad courses before graduation.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Emailed 3 professors and received 2 responses like "recommended you to our committee." My advisor introduced me to several his collegues. At least two very strong letters
Applying to Where:
MIT - Math PhD / Waitlisted (Formally) 2/13 Take some hopium bro...
UCB - Math PhD / Rejected 2/13
Princeton - Math PhD/ Rejected 2/3
UChicago - Math PhD/ Rejected 1/13
Caltech - Math PhD / Admitted 1/31
Umich - Math PhD / Invited to Interview 2/1
Brown - Math PhD / Waitlisted (Formally) 2/7
Cornell - Math PhD / Essentially Waitlisted
Northwestern - Math PhD / Admitted 2/14
Duke - Math PhD / Invited to Interview 1/12 - Waitlisted (Formally) 2/9 - Withdrawn 2/16
Safety & Plan to Withdrawn: Although I withdrew most of my "safeties", I guess I am rejected/waitlisted by all of them. I don't know if there exist things like "over-qualification", but this shows there is no actual safety schools in Ph.D application.
Madison - Math PhD Rejected Informally 2/14
UCSD - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/15
UIUC - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/1
UMN - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/1
JHU - Math PhD Rejected 2/8![]()
USC - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/1
Purdue - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/15
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:43 am
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: Big State, top math
Major(s): Math
Minor(s): Music, Latin
GPA: 3.91
Math GPA: 3.97
Type of Student: Domestic white male
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 170 (96%)
V: 162 (90%)
W: 4.5 (79%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 810 (76%)
Program Applying: Pure Math PhD
Research Experience: Class in math research; REU in analytic number theory, publication in progress, 2 presentations
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Various university awards/departmental scholarships
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: University hired tutor
Math Courses Taken: Honors courses in algebra, analysis, number theory, topology, logic. Grad courses in complex analysis, algebraic topology, and lie groups.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Strong rec letters?
Applying to Where:
UCLA - Rejected 2/2
Northwestern - Rejected 1/28
UIUC - Rejected 3/16
Ohio State - Accepted 2/17 Declined
Indiana - Invited to Open House 1/31 Accepted 2/27 Declined
Vanderbilt - Rejected 3/27
Georgia Tech - Rejected 3/29
UGA - Accepted 2/13 (Interviewed 2/3) ATTENDING
Auburn - Accepted 2/19 Declined
Tennessee - Accepted 2/23 Declined
Major(s): Math
Minor(s): Music, Latin
GPA: 3.91
Math GPA: 3.97
Type of Student: Domestic white male
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 170 (96%)
V: 162 (90%)
W: 4.5 (79%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 810 (76%)
Program Applying: Pure Math PhD
Research Experience: Class in math research; REU in analytic number theory, publication in progress, 2 presentations
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Various university awards/departmental scholarships
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: University hired tutor
Math Courses Taken: Honors courses in algebra, analysis, number theory, topology, logic. Grad courses in complex analysis, algebraic topology, and lie groups.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Strong rec letters?
Applying to Where:
UCLA - Rejected 2/2
Northwestern - Rejected 1/28
UIUC - Rejected 3/16
Ohio State - Accepted 2/17 Declined
Indiana - Invited to Open House 1/31 Accepted 2/27 Declined
Vanderbilt - Rejected 3/27
Georgia Tech - Rejected 3/29
UGA - Accepted 2/13 (Interviewed 2/3) ATTENDING
Auburn - Accepted 2/19 Declined
Tennessee - Accepted 2/23 Declined
Last edited by RodanSpartan on Sat Apr 01, 2023 3:17 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Hi! how did you hear about the Ohio State acceptance? did they send you an email?RodanSpartan wrote: ↑Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:10 pmUndergrad Institution: Big State, top math
Major(s): Math
Minor(s): Music, Latin
GPA: 3.91
Math GPA: 3.97
Type of Student: Domestic white male
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 170 (96%)
V: 162 (90%)
W: 4.5 (79%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 810 (76%)
Program Applying: Pure Math PhD
Research Experience: Class in math research; REU in analytic number theory, publication in progress, 2 presentations
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Various university awards/departmental scholarships
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: University hired tutor
Math Courses Taken: Honors courses in algebra, analysis, number theory, topology, logic. Grad courses in complex analysis, algebraic topology, and lie groups.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Strong rec letters?
Applying to Where:
UCLA - Rejected 2/2
Northwestern - Rejected 1/28
UIUC - Submitted
Ohio State - Accepted 2/17
Indiana - Invited to Open House 1/31
Vanderbilt - Submitted
Georgia Tech - Submitted
UGA - Accepted 2/13
Auburn - Submitted
Tennessee - Submitted
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:43 am
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
I got an email about setting up an osu email address, so I went and checked the portal and it said I was accepted.ko wrote: ↑Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:57 pmHi! how did you hear about the Ohio State acceptance? did they send you an email?RodanSpartan wrote: ↑Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:10 pmUndergrad Institution: Big State, top math
Major(s): Math
Minor(s): Music, Latin
GPA: 3.91
Math GPA: 3.97
Type of Student: Domestic white male
GRE Revised General Test:
Q: 170 (96%)
V: 162 (90%)
W: 4.5 (79%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
M: 810 (76%)
Program Applying: Pure Math PhD
Research Experience: Class in math research; REU in analytic number theory, publication in progress, 2 presentations
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Various university awards/departmental scholarships
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: University hired tutor
Math Courses Taken: Honors courses in algebra, analysis, number theory, topology, logic. Grad courses in complex analysis, algebraic topology, and lie groups.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Strong rec letters?
Applying to Where:
UCLA - Rejected 2/2
Northwestern - Rejected 1/28
UIUC - Submitted
Ohio State - Accepted 2/17
Indiana - Invited to Open House 1/31
Vanderbilt - Submitted
Georgia Tech - Submitted
UGA - Accepted 2/13
Auburn - Submitted
Tennessee - Submitted
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Have they already made any offers? I did not see any offers here or on gradcafe.Kaleiss wrote: ↑Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:04 amI emailed them, and they said they would make more offer in April.chip wrote: ↑Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:24 amHow did you know of the waitlist from Cornell?Kaleiss wrote: ↑Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:58 pmUndergrad Institution: Large Public good for math
Major(s): Mathematics
GPA: 3.89/4
Major(s): Math
Type of Student: International Male
GREs: Didn't take
Program Applying: Pure Mathematics with an interest in algebraic geometry, especially in enumerative geometry and derived cat of varieties.
Research Experience: Three direct readings in advanced topics. No REU (rejected by all I applied). Self-motivated research in algebraic geometry resulted in two in-preparation papers (submit an almost complete one).
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: One scholarship.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Course Assistant for abstract algebra x 2, Peer Mentor in low level courses x 3, Grader in algebraic topology.
Important Courses Taken: 11 Grad courses before graduation.
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Emailed 3 professors and received 2 responses like "recommended you to our committee." My advisor introduced me to several his collegues. At least two very strong letters
Applying to Where:
MIT - Math PhD / Waitlisted (Formally) 2/13 Take some hopium bro...
UCB - Math PhD / Rejected 2/13
Princeton - Math PhD/ Rejected 2/3
UChicago - Math PhD/ Rejected 1/13
Caltech - Math PhD / Admitted 1/31
Umich - Math PhD / Invited to Interview 2/1
Brown - Math PhD / Waitlisted (Formally) 2/7
Cornell - Math PhD / Essentially Waitlisted
Northwestern - Math PhD / Admitted 2/14
Duke - Math PhD / Invited to Interview 1/12 - Waitlisted (Formally) 2/9 - Withdrawn 2/16
Safety & Plan to Withdrawn: Although I withdrew most of my "safeties", I guess I am rejected/waitlisted by all of them. I don't know if there exist things like "over-qualification", but this shows there is no actual safety schools in Ph.D application.
Madison - Math PhD Rejected Informally 2/14
UCSD - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/15
UIUC - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/1
UMN - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/1
JHU - Math PhD Rejected 2/8![]()
USC - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/1
Purdue - Math PhD Withdrawn 2/15
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2023 1:58 pm
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: Large Public University
Major(s): Math
Minor(s): Chemistry, French
GPA: 3.98
Math GPA: 3.98
Type of Student: Domestic Female
GRE Revised General Test: 330
Q: xxx (xx%)
V: xxx (xx%)
W: 5.5 (xx%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
didn't submit
Program Applying: Pure Math PhD
Research Experience: Several Talks, One published paper, one submitted, Two REUs (one at large public, one at Ivy), semester-long Research in Study Abroad Program in Math
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Top Undergrad Research in Math award, academic full-ride
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Tutored math, chemistry, french; TA for two upper level discrete math courses
Math Courses Taken: many including 7 grad level
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: undergrad research advisor is fairly well-known and impressive, strong recommendations from what I hear
Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
Home University - Pure Math PhD / Admitted on Feb 7 /
Iowa State -Pure Math PhD/ Admitted on Feb 9 /
Virginia Commonwealth - Pure Math PhD / Admitted on Feb 13 /
Texas A&M - Pure Math PhD/ Admitted on Feb 15 /
University of Illinois-Chicago - Pure Math PhD/ Admitted on Feb 17/
MIT - Pure Math PhD/ Rejected on Feb 21/
Oxford - DPhil Math /Invited to Interview early February , Rejected/ Accepted/Declined
Rutgers -Pure Math PhD/ Admitted on Mar 24 / Accepted/Declined.
Duke - Pure Math PhD /Rejected/ Accepted/Declined
Georgia Tech - Pure Math PhD / Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
UBC Vancouver - MS Mathematics / Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
UC San Diego - Pure Math PhD/ Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
Carnegie Mellon - Pure Math PhD / Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
UC Denver - Pure Math PhD / Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
Major(s): Math
Minor(s): Chemistry, French
GPA: 3.98
Math GPA: 3.98
Type of Student: Domestic Female
GRE Revised General Test: 330
Q: xxx (xx%)
V: xxx (xx%)
W: 5.5 (xx%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
didn't submit
Program Applying: Pure Math PhD
Research Experience: Several Talks, One published paper, one submitted, Two REUs (one at large public, one at Ivy), semester-long Research in Study Abroad Program in Math
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Top Undergrad Research in Math award, academic full-ride
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Tutored math, chemistry, french; TA for two upper level discrete math courses
Math Courses Taken: many including 7 grad level
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: undergrad research advisor is fairly well-known and impressive, strong recommendations from what I hear
Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
Home University - Pure Math PhD / Admitted on Feb 7 /
Iowa State -Pure Math PhD/ Admitted on Feb 9 /
Virginia Commonwealth - Pure Math PhD / Admitted on Feb 13 /
Texas A&M - Pure Math PhD/ Admitted on Feb 15 /
University of Illinois-Chicago - Pure Math PhD/ Admitted on Feb 17/
MIT - Pure Math PhD/ Rejected on Feb 21/
Oxford - DPhil Math /Invited to Interview early February , Rejected/ Accepted/Declined
Rutgers -Pure Math PhD/ Admitted on Mar 24 / Accepted/Declined.

Duke - Pure Math PhD /Rejected/ Accepted/Declined
Georgia Tech - Pure Math PhD / Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
UBC Vancouver - MS Mathematics / Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
UC San Diego - Pure Math PhD/ Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
Carnegie Mellon - Pure Math PhD / Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
UC Denver - Pure Math PhD / Admitted/Rejected/Waitlisted/Pending on (date) / Accepted/Declined
Last edited by mathgirl3642 on Sat Mar 25, 2023 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
My interview from UofA is more like an 1-1 QnA session. It was mainly one prof introducing their program and answer my questions. I received the financial offer from the program last week and the offical offer from graduate office this morning.Scathrules wrote: ↑Thu Feb 09, 2023 1:48 pmWhat did they say in your interview at Arizona? Anything technical? Did they say when decisions will be released? Congrats btw!KelsyF wrote: ↑Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:44 amUndergrad Institution: Top 30 Big U with liberal arts feeling
Major(s):Applied Math
Math GPA:3.90
Type of Student: International Asian Female
GRE Revised General Test: *only submitted to non-optional programs
Q: 168 (90%)
V: 153 (58%)
W: 3.5 (38%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: *only submitted to U-Washington
M: 550 (25%)
TOEFL Score: waived
Program Applying: Applied Math
Research Experience: summer 10-week full-time research and honor thesis at home university (climate modeling, numerical analysis, probability theory, rare events, stochastic process), 2 poster presentation + 1 oral presentation, attended 2 conferences for graduate school
Awards/Honors/Recognitions:research fellowship at home university, dean's list every semester, 2 travel grants
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: tutor in Calc1-2 and ODE for only one semester
Math Courses Taken: taking modern algebra, fluid dynamics, differential geometry and graduate level real analysis next semester; A in intro real analysis, complex analysis, PDE, numerical methods, numerical linear algebra, math modeling, discrete dynamical systems, but I had a C+ in linear algebra II
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: at least two strong rec letters, one recommender is alumnus of U-Arizona and he sent my info to UofA (most of his research students I knew got an offer from UofA), one recommender is alumnus of Northwestern, female and first-gen college student
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I was double majored in applied math and finance and planned to apply for fin math/fin engineering programs. I dropped the finance major and started to do applied math research super late.
Applying to Where: *apply for math Ph.D. if no applied math program offered
Colorado Boulder - Applied Math Ph.D. Submitted 12/01 admitted 2/7
U Washington - Applied Math Ph.D. Submitted 12/01 admitted to Master 1/25
U Minnesota Twin Cities - Math Ph.D. Submitted 12/15 admitted 2/2
U Wisconsin Madison - Math Ph.D. Submitted 12/15
Georgia Tech - Math Ph.D. Submitted 12/15
U Michigan Ann Arbor - AIM Math Ph.D. Submitted 12/15
U Texas Austin - CSEM Ph.D. Submitted 12/15
U Maryland College Park - AMSC Ph.D. Submitted 12/15
Northwestern - ESAM Ph.D. Submitted 12/19
UC Davis - Applied Math Ph.D. Submitted 12/25 admitted 1/26
Boston U - Math Ph.D. Submitted 12/26
U Arizona - Applied Math Ph.D. Submitted 12/30 interview 2/2
U Pitts - Math Ph.D. Submitted 1/2
Georgetown - Applied Math Ph.D. Submitted 1/1
*Home University - Math master (terminating pure math master program with funding) Submitted 1/15 interview 1/30
U Penn - AMCS master Submitted 2/1
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: Unknown State School (100% admittance rate)
Major(s): Applied Mathematics
GPA: 3.25/4
Math GPA: 3.1 /4
Grad Institution: Large State School USWN (50-100)
Major(s): Statistics
GPA: 3.95/4
Type of Student: Domestic Hispanic Male
GRE Revised General Test: Taken : 08/2019
Q: 149 (38%)
V: 158 (61%)
W: 3.0 (13%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
Program Applying: Statistics Ph.D (Wide variety of interests
Research Experience: Undergraduate Research and presented at 3 conferences/symposiums. Graduate thesis research in soft statistics for machine learning, presented at 2 conferences. Additional graduate research in biology mathematics for stochastic simulation presented at local conference.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Fully funded MS student.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: x2 TA for high level undergraduate probability course (rice textbook), Recitation leader for Intro to Stats with R course. Graduate Instructor for College Prep, Trigonometry, and Intro to Stats.
Math Courses Taken: Undergraduate: Typical core 5 for undergraduate (C's and B's), Stats and Probability courses (B's and A's). Graduate: Applied Spatial, Data Vis, Intro to Mathematical Statistics, R Computation, Bioinformatics, Mathematical Statistics I (Casella and Berger)
(A), Geostatistics (A-)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Recommendations should be exceptional, they are from Advisor (Assistant Department Head (Graduate Studies)), Faculty who I did the bioMath research with (Associate Department Head), Math Stat I Instructor.
I did everything that I could to rectify my poor undergraduate gpa, and GRE scores. I believe I accomplished that.
Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
UC Berkeley - Statistics Ph.D. Rejected
Washington - Statistics Ph.D. Rejected
Duke- Statistical Science Ph.D.
North Carolina CH - Statistics and OR Ph.D.
NCSU - Statistics Ph.D. Rejected
UC Davis - Statistics Ph.D.
Texas A&M - Statistics Ph.D.
UCLA - Statistics Ph.D.
Iowa State - Statistics Ph.D.
UC Irvine - Statistics Ph.D. Interview 1/20 - unofficial admittance 1/26 - Official Admittance 2/1
UT Austin - Statistics and DS Ph.D.
Colorado State - Statistics Ph.D.
Virginia Tech - Statistics Ph.D.
Oregon State - Statistics Ph.D.
Home University - Statistics Ph.D. Withdrew 2/14
Really hoping to hear back from all those reaches! Fortunate to already have an acceptance as well as an offer to attend UCI's visitation day.
Major(s): Applied Mathematics
GPA: 3.25/4

Math GPA: 3.1 /4

Grad Institution: Large State School USWN (50-100)
Major(s): Statistics
GPA: 3.95/4

Type of Student: Domestic Hispanic Male
GRE Revised General Test: Taken : 08/2019
Q: 149 (38%)
V: 158 (61%)
W: 3.0 (13%)
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
Program Applying: Statistics Ph.D (Wide variety of interests
Research Experience: Undergraduate Research and presented at 3 conferences/symposiums. Graduate thesis research in soft statistics for machine learning, presented at 2 conferences. Additional graduate research in biology mathematics for stochastic simulation presented at local conference.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Fully funded MS student.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: x2 TA for high level undergraduate probability course (rice textbook), Recitation leader for Intro to Stats with R course. Graduate Instructor for College Prep, Trigonometry, and Intro to Stats.
Math Courses Taken: Undergraduate: Typical core 5 for undergraduate (C's and B's), Stats and Probability courses (B's and A's). Graduate: Applied Spatial, Data Vis, Intro to Mathematical Statistics, R Computation, Bioinformatics, Mathematical Statistics I (Casella and Berger)

Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Recommendations should be exceptional, they are from Advisor (Assistant Department Head (Graduate Studies)), Faculty who I did the bioMath research with (Associate Department Head), Math Stat I Instructor.
I did everything that I could to rectify my poor undergraduate gpa, and GRE scores. I believe I accomplished that.
Applying to Where: (Color use here is welcome)
UC Berkeley - Statistics Ph.D. Rejected
Washington - Statistics Ph.D. Rejected
Duke- Statistical Science Ph.D.
North Carolina CH - Statistics and OR Ph.D.
NCSU - Statistics Ph.D. Rejected
UC Davis - Statistics Ph.D.
Texas A&M - Statistics Ph.D.
UCLA - Statistics Ph.D.
Iowa State - Statistics Ph.D.
UC Irvine - Statistics Ph.D. Interview 1/20 - unofficial admittance 1/26 - Official Admittance 2/1
UT Austin - Statistics and DS Ph.D.
Colorado State - Statistics Ph.D.
Virginia Tech - Statistics Ph.D.
Oregon State - Statistics Ph.D.
Home University - Statistics Ph.D. Withdrew 2/14
Really hoping to hear back from all those reaches! Fortunate to already have an acceptance as well as an offer to attend UCI's visitation day.
Last edited by prgp on Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: Well known Foreign institution (top 30 worldwide in Mathematics according to USnews ranking)
Major(s): Mathematics (Honor)
GPA: 3.45/4.3 (84/100) (about medium ranked)
Masters: UW-Mad
Major(s): Mathematics
Masters GPA: 3.94/4.0
Type of Student: Intenational Asian Male
GRE Revised General Test: not taken
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: not taken
TOEFL Score:108=R29/L29/S23/W27 (meaningless for math applicants anyway)
Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: One undergraduate thesis organized into a paper, yet to be submitted but already uploaded on arxiv when submitting all applications. Several readings at both undergraduate and graduate institutions. (All in PDE and mathematical physics.)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: One scholarship (within undergraduate institution)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Grader for a graduate-level course (in PDE) at UW-Mad.
Math Courses Taken: 10 graduate-level courses (mainly in analysis and PDE)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Two strong letters, one from research advisor (know each other and worked together for over 3 years), one from faculty at UW-mad who as well works in PDE. Research result is quite satisfying and was highly praised in letters. Has strong connection at UW-mad and several other institutions (attributed to my advisor).
Applying to Where: (all Pure Mathematics)
UC-Berkeley - Rejected 2/13
Yale - Rejected 1/20
UMichigan - Rejected
Brown - Rejected 3/10
UW-mad - Admitted 2/13
Duke - Rejected
CMU - Pending
Rice - Rejected
Georgia tech - Rejected
UMN - Rejected 2/21
Penn state - Rejected 3/13
Utah - Waitlist declined
Purdue - Pending
Arizona - Invited to workshop 2/20 declined
Florida - Admitted 2/7 declined
Major(s): Mathematics (Honor)
GPA: 3.45/4.3 (84/100) (about medium ranked)
Masters: UW-Mad
Major(s): Mathematics
Masters GPA: 3.94/4.0
Type of Student: Intenational Asian Male
GRE Revised General Test: not taken
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: not taken
TOEFL Score:108=R29/L29/S23/W27 (meaningless for math applicants anyway)
Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: One undergraduate thesis organized into a paper, yet to be submitted but already uploaded on arxiv when submitting all applications. Several readings at both undergraduate and graduate institutions. (All in PDE and mathematical physics.)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: One scholarship (within undergraduate institution)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Grader for a graduate-level course (in PDE) at UW-Mad.
Math Courses Taken: 10 graduate-level courses (mainly in analysis and PDE)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Two strong letters, one from research advisor (know each other and worked together for over 3 years), one from faculty at UW-mad who as well works in PDE. Research result is quite satisfying and was highly praised in letters. Has strong connection at UW-mad and several other institutions (attributed to my advisor).
Applying to Where: (all Pure Mathematics)
UC-Berkeley - Rejected 2/13
Yale - Rejected 1/20
UMichigan - Rejected
Brown - Rejected 3/10
UW-mad - Admitted 2/13
Duke - Rejected
CMU - Pending
Rice - Rejected
Georgia tech - Rejected
UMN - Rejected 2/21
Penn state - Rejected 3/13
Utah - Waitlist declined
Purdue - Pending
Arizona - Invited to workshop 2/20 declined
Florida - Admitted 2/7 declined
Last edited by Kagami on Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:21 am, edited 12 times in total.
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:57 am
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
What is this Arizona workshop?Kagami wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:26 amUndergrad Institution: Well known Foreign institution (top 30 worldwide in Mathematics according to USnews ranking)
Major(s): Mathematics (Honor)
GPA: 3.45/4.3 (84/100) (about medium ranked)
Masters: UW-Mad
Major(s): Mathematics
Masters GPA: 3.94/4.0
Type of Student: Intenational Asian Male
GRE Revised General Test: not taken
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: not taken
TOEFL Score:108=R29/L29/S23/W27 (meaningless for math applicants anyway)
Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: One undergraduate thesis organized into a paper, yet to be submitted but already uploaded on arxiv when submitting all applications. Several readings at both undergraduate and graduate institutions. (All in PDE and mathematical physics.)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: One scholarship (within undergraduate institution)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Grader for a graduate-level course (in PDE) at UW-Mad.
Math Courses Taken: 10 graduate-level courses (mainly in analysis and PDE)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Two strong letters, one from research advisor (know each other and worked together for over 3 years), one from faculty at UW-mad who as well works in PDE. Research result is quite satisfying and was highly praised in letters. Has strong connection at UW-mad and several other institutions (attributed to my advisor).
Applying to Where: (all Pure Mathematics)
UC-Berkeley - Rejected 2/13
Yale - Rejected 1/20
UMichigan - Pending No interview invitation so far
Brown - Pending (No offer, no rejection and no waitlist, expecting a late rejection anyway.)
UW-mad - Admitted 2/13
Duke - Pending No interview invitation
CMU - Pending
Rice - Pending
Georgia tech - Pending
UMN - Rejected 2/21
Penn state - Pending (Has strong connection yet they did not give me first-round offer. My pathetic ego hurts XD.)
Utah - Pending (No offer, no rejection and no waitlist, same situation as Brown)
Purdue - Pending
Arizona - Invited to workshop 2/20
Florida - Admitted 2/7 will decline
P.S. It seems that most rejections from Brown(Pure) were sent on 2/9. Among all the applicants I know, I'm the only one to not hear from them (and no updates on portal) which is pretty strange as they sent out waitlist emails before. Hopefully they did not ignore my application. I would appreciate it if someone could give some idea on whats going on.
Haven't heard about it ever.
Arizona State or UArizona
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
UArizona. The full name is Virtual Recruitment Workshop. They showed strong willing to admit in the invitation email.hilberthotel wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:12 amWhat is this Arizona workshop?Kagami wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:26 amUndergrad Institution: Well known Foreign institution (top 30 worldwide in Mathematics according to USnews ranking)
Major(s): Mathematics (Honor)
GPA: 3.45/4.3 (84/100) (about medium ranked)
Masters: UW-Mad
Major(s): Mathematics
Masters GPA: 3.94/4.0
Type of Student: Intenational Asian Male
GRE Revised General Test: not taken
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: not taken
TOEFL Score:108=R29/L29/S23/W27 (meaningless for math applicants anyway)
Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: One undergraduate thesis organized into a paper, yet to be submitted but already uploaded on arxiv when submitting all applications. Several readings at both undergraduate and graduate institutions. (All in PDE and mathematical physics.)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: One scholarship (within undergraduate institution)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Grader for a graduate-level course (in PDE) at UW-Mad.
Math Courses Taken: 10 graduate-level courses (mainly in analysis and PDE)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Two strong letters, one from research advisor (know each other and worked together for over 3 years), one from faculty at UW-mad who as well works in PDE. Research result is quite satisfying and was highly praised in letters. Has strong connection at UW-mad and several other institutions (attributed to my advisor).
Applying to Where: (all Pure Mathematics)
UC-Berkeley - Rejected 2/13
Yale - Rejected 1/20
UMichigan - Pending No interview invitation so far
Brown - Pending (No offer, no rejection and no waitlist, expecting a late rejection anyway.)
UW-mad - Admitted 2/13
Duke - Pending No interview invitation
CMU - Pending
Rice - Pending
Georgia tech - Pending
UMN - Rejected 2/21
Penn state - Pending (Has strong connection yet they did not give me first-round offer. My pathetic ego hurts XD.)
Utah - Pending (No offer, no rejection and no waitlist, same situation as Brown)
Purdue - Pending
Arizona - Invited to workshop 2/20
Florida - Admitted 2/7 will decline
P.S. It seems that most rejections from Brown(Pure) were sent on 2/9. Among all the applicants I know, I'm the only one to not hear from them (and no updates on portal) which is pretty strange as they sent out waitlist emails before. Hopefully they did not ignore my application. I would appreciate it if someone could give some idea on whats going on.
Haven't heard about it ever.
Arizona State or UArizona
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
if u havent heard from Brown yet that might be a good thing. i would email/call to see whats upKagami wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:37 pmUArizona. The full name is Virtual Recruitment Workshop. They showed strong willing to admit in the invitation email.hilberthotel wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:12 amWhat is this Arizona workshop?Kagami wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:26 amUndergrad Institution: Well known Foreign institution (top 30 worldwide in Mathematics according to USnews ranking)
Major(s): Mathematics (Honor)
GPA: 3.45/4.3 (84/100) (about medium ranked)
Masters: UW-Mad
Major(s): Mathematics
Masters GPA: 3.94/4.0
Type of Student: Intenational Asian Male
GRE Revised General Test: not taken
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: not taken
TOEFL Score:108=R29/L29/S23/W27 (meaningless for math applicants anyway)
Program Applying: Pure Math
Research Experience: One undergraduate thesis organized into a paper, yet to be submitted but already uploaded on arxiv when submitting all applications. Several readings at both undergraduate and graduate institutions. (All in PDE and mathematical physics.)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: One scholarship (within undergraduate institution)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Grader for a graduate-level course (in PDE) at UW-Mad.
Math Courses Taken: 10 graduate-level courses (mainly in analysis and PDE)
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Two strong letters, one from research advisor (know each other and worked together for over 3 years), one from faculty at UW-mad who as well works in PDE. Research result is quite satisfying and was highly praised in letters. Has strong connection at UW-mad and several other institutions (attributed to my advisor).
Applying to Where: (all Pure Mathematics)
UC-Berkeley - Rejected 2/13
Yale - Rejected 1/20
UMichigan - Pending No interview invitation so far
Brown - Pending (No offer, no rejection and no waitlist, expecting a late rejection anyway.)
UW-mad - Admitted 2/13
Duke - Pending No interview invitation
CMU - Pending
Rice - Pending
Georgia tech - Pending
UMN - Rejected 2/21
Penn state - Pending (Has strong connection yet they did not give me first-round offer. My pathetic ego hurts XD.)
Utah - Pending (No offer, no rejection and no waitlist, same situation as Brown)
Purdue - Pending
Arizona - Invited to workshop 2/20
Florida - Admitted 2/7 will decline
P.S. It seems that most rejections from Brown(Pure) were sent on 2/9. Among all the applicants I know, I'm the only one to not hear from them (and no updates on portal) which is pretty strange as they sent out waitlist emails before. Hopefully they did not ignore my application. I would appreciate it if someone could give some idea on whats going on.
Haven't heard about it ever.
Arizona State or UArizona
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Thank you! Hopefully I'm on the waitlist instead of being forgotten to reject lol.corkquark wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 2:07 pmif u havent heard from Brown yet that might be a good thing. i would email/call to see whats upKagami wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:37 pmUArizona. The full name is Virtual Recruitment Workshop. They showed strong willing to admit in the invitation email.hilberthotel wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:12 am
What is this Arizona workshop?
Haven't heard about it ever.
Arizona State or UArizona
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
honestly give them an email. i feel like i've gotten accepted to a lot of things bc of my demonstrated interest. i mean u seem like ur in a good place with the madison acceptance but if ur still interested definitely communicate that. i'm sure other people are
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:46 am
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
deleted for personal reason.
Last edited by ToxicRabbit on Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:25 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Just saw an acceptance from Stony Brook on the gradcofe. Has anyone else heard anything from them as well?
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
I emailed them last night, and they said they don't quite have the information on who's made a short list quite yet. I don't know what to make of this acceptance.
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:13 am
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
A professor emailed me telling me I was admitted, and asked if I was still interested.
They said to let them know soon so that they could send offers to others if I wasn't interested.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Last edited by xbq22 on Sat Feb 25, 2023 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2023 6:00 pm
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Undergrad Institution: Top 8 in Canada (Math averages are typically low at my institution, difficult grading scale).
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): None
GPA: 3.5/4
Math GPA: 3.7/4
Type of Student: Domestic White Male
GRE Revised General Test: Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Didn't take
Program Applying: Applied Mathematics (Epidemiology, Ecology, Medical Physics)
Research Experience: Funded summer research in second year of undergraduate degree in abstract algebra (monogenic pure cubics). Currently doing on honours thesis related to optimization of proton therapy.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: None
Math Courses Taken:
- Undergraduate Courses: Calculus (1,2,3), Number Theory, Linear Algebra (Honours), Proofs (Honours), ODE (1,2), PDE, Transformation Geometry, Analysis (Honours 1,2), Abstract Algebra (1,2).
- Graduate Courses: Analysis, Category Theory, Algebraic Topology
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Currently working with my PI for the University of Calgary, who supervises my honours thesis.
Applying to Where: (All programs are MSc in Applied Mathematics)
- University of Alberta: Accepted (3/03) with full funding!
- University of Calgary: Accepted (2/27) with 25k funding!
- University of Victoria: Pending
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): None
GPA: 3.5/4
Math GPA: 3.7/4
Type of Student: Domestic White Male
GRE Revised General Test: Didn't take
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: Didn't take
Program Applying: Applied Mathematics (Epidemiology, Ecology, Medical Physics)
Research Experience: Funded summer research in second year of undergraduate degree in abstract algebra (monogenic pure cubics). Currently doing on honours thesis related to optimization of proton therapy.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: None
Math Courses Taken:
- Undergraduate Courses: Calculus (1,2,3), Number Theory, Linear Algebra (Honours), Proofs (Honours), ODE (1,2), PDE, Transformation Geometry, Analysis (Honours 1,2), Abstract Algebra (1,2).
- Graduate Courses: Analysis, Category Theory, Algebraic Topology
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Currently working with my PI for the University of Calgary, who supervises my honours thesis.
Applying to Where: (All programs are MSc in Applied Mathematics)
- University of Alberta: Accepted (3/03) with full funding!
- University of Calgary: Accepted (2/27) with 25k funding!
- University of Victoria: Pending
Last edited by pickledmath on Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Does anyone get an admission without having an interview? or it is a must to have an interview to get an admission.
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Did anyone hear anything from purdue, Texas A&M or U michighan?
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:19 pm
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Dunno if your decisions went through yet - but mine was a rejection as of like last week-ish!arithmeticgeometry wrote: ↑Thu Feb 16, 2023 6:30 pmI saw MIT acceptance for pure math on gradcafe. Anyone else got a decision? does this mean the rest of us are rejected?![]()
- Posts: 35
- Joined: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:52 am
Re: 2023 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results
Hey I have also received a conditional offer today, but I could not see anything related to funding anywhere neither on the applicant portal nor on the offer letter. Does this mean I will not receive funding? Or do funding decisions come later?borelcantelli wrote: ↑Sat Feb 11, 2023 11:04 amUndergrad Institution: A Southeast Asian university (arguably the best for maths in the country, but in practice not that well-known globally)
Major(s): Maths
Minor(s): -
GPA: 3.97/4.00
Math GPA:
Type of Student: International Asian Male
GRE Revised General Test: N/A
GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: N/A
IELTS Score: (8.0 = R8.5/L8.5/S7.5/W7.0)
Program Applying: Probability & Stochastic Analysis (Pure & Applied)
Research Experience: A summer research programme in stochastic analysis (or winter? Because it was held by an Australian university)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Graduated with a distinction (cum laude in my country), research award as stated above, full undergraduate scholarship, integrated bachelor's/master's scholarship in the same university, some maths competitions
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Tutor & TA in several maths courses (calculus, real analysis, etc.)
Math Courses Taken: All compulsory ones (linear algebra, real analysis, etc.), measure theory, financial maths, Fourier analysis, functional analysis, some actuarial science courses
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: My supervisor for the aforementioned research experience said he was pleased with my performance in the programme & wrote a good recommendation letter for me
Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
Applying to Where:
Oxford - Random Systems CDT / Already had my interview on 2nd February, now waiting for the outcome
Imperial - Random Systems CDT / Applied in late December, no news as of yet
Warwick - PhD in Statistics / Applied (still incomplete)
University of Edinburgh - PhD in Probability and Stochastic Analysis / Will apply
Cambridge - MASt Part III in Mathematical Statistics / Conditional offer on 9th February, waiting for funding outcome